KUNO's Podcast
KUNO is the platform for humanitarian knowledge exchange in the Netherlands. Our podcasts bring the most interesting seminars, debates and trainings of KUNO, and they cover various humanitarian topics. Stay tuned!
KUNO's Podcast
Decolonisation of aid: Dialogue #2 - a development cooperation perspective (June 2021)
Season 2021
Episode 2
In the webinars 'The decolonization of aid' KUNO, Partos, and The Institute of Social Studies (ISS) take one step back and approach the discussion on the decolonization of aid in a series of talks. Step by step, we highlight an aspect of this debate. We ask two experts to engage in a conversation with one another to explore the controversies and perhaps find some common grounds.
This scond dialogue focusses on the perspective from development cooperation with Tulika Srivastava (Director Women’s Fund Asia) and Lydia Zigomo (Global Programmes Director at Oxfam International).
The webinar is moderated by Kiza Magendane (The Brooker) and Thea Hilhorst (International Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University).