Veteran's Voice Podcast with Amanda Mineer

Hearing from our audience…

June 23, 2022 Amanda Mineer Episode 29

The Veterans Voice podcast returns yet again, with Amanda L. Mineer, Veterans Law Group’s managing attorney for over nine years, leading the show! In this episode, we continue to discuss the crucial steps veterans must take to receive the disability benefits they have earned for their service! 

We also cover many important questions from live callers. 

This episode of the podcast covers everything you need to know…

And it all begins with valuable insight from a fellow veteran, Mike. 

Mike calls into the live show early on to ask Amanda about a rather tricky situation he is dealing with as he balances his 90 percent disability rating with his endeavors to buy a new home for himself– after several failed attempts in the past… 

Following Amanda’s advice to help Mike get a new roof over his head soon, the two of them share some relatable banter about the traits of some organizations that simply refuse to acknowledge Mike’s disability rating appropriately. 

Then, later on, with Mike well on his way to get his problem resolved thanks to Amanda’s advice, the show takes another call from a veteran, Daryl. He asks Amanda to explain the difference between being paid under the benefits of IU versus payment granted from a scheduler IU. 

The answer to that question dovetails into a fascinating and helpful discussion surrounding the difference between being permanent and total and then being 100 percent disabled in the eyes of the VA. Listen to Amanda’s conversation with Daryl at the 15:00 minute mark. 

Next in the podcast, Amanda talks about a letter that we might have all received in the mail recently. 

The letter was meant to address some major mailing issues at the VA, such as letters taking nearly two to three months to reach their recipient– even in deadline-sensitive matters. 

The letter supposedly illustrated what the recipient might be able to do next if they missed a due date because of the VA’s late response. You can learn more about the letter and Amanda’s thoughts near the 30:00 minute mark of the podcast. 

If you want to listen to the full, unedited conversations between Amanda and your fellow veterans in need of advice, you can click play on this episode of the podcast! As much as this description covers, our callers cover more. 

Don’t miss out on the insightful information you need when up against the VA.