Veteran's Voice Podcast with Amanda Mineer

Never a Dull Moment in the Veteran Community…

Amanda Mineer Episode 33

Welcome to episode 33 of the Veterans Voice! 

This episode of the show focuses on several pressing issues in the veteran community and a new hopeful bill that is bound to reach President Joe Biden’s desk very soon! The new hopeful bill is especially significant for veterans that served in the middle east around harsh burn pits releasing toxic chemicals in the air– a situation that Amanda compares to Agent Orange from the Vietnam war. 

Amanda goes on to discuss how this bill will affect veterans once the President officially signs it. She says that it may take many years for some aspects of the bill to take effect as they have to jump over legal hurdles. But there’s finally a light at the end of the tunnel for many of the veterans who had to endure those burn pits– a light that wasn’t present not too long ago. 

After diving into the new bill a little more, Amanda carries on by taking some calls from veterans in the community. Our first call is from someone that regular podcast listeners know very well– Lieutenant Colonel Martin. This time as he calls into the show, Martin has another question to ask on behalf of one of the many veterans he personally helps. The question leads to important information regarding effective disability dates and more. 

Then as Amanda is about to switch gears, the phone rings again. And we hear the voice of another veteran come over the line– Darrell. He knows Martin, but not as we do. Darrell has personally witnessed Martin’s charitable work with fellow veterans, and has called in to applaud his work. Among so many conversations that highlight the struggles within the veteran community, this call is something amazing. It illustrates the brilliant work being accomplished by so many honorable veterans. 

Unfortunately, Amanda knows better than anyone that such brilliant work should not be necessary. Veterans deserve solutions to their issues and help with their battles without jumping through the VA’s hoops. That realization spins the show in a different direction, and Amanda goes on to give detailed advice to veterans gearing up to file a claim for PTSD and anything else. 

Among all that she says, two things stick out; Never file alone and never let someone charge you for help with an initial claim. 

To listen to Amanda’s detailed advice, amazing conversations and discussions on the new hopeful bill awaiting the signature of the President, tune in now! For more specific information on getting the disability benefits you deserve as a veteran, contact Veterans Law Group with a free consultation!