Veteran's Voice Podcast with Amanda Mineer

The Early VA Days…

Amanda Mineer Episode 36

This episode of The Veterans Voice podcast with Amanda L. Mineer covers a lot– So buckle up

Amanda starts it all off by discussing why the VA denies so many claims. She admits there are times when the VA simply doesn’t approve a claim, and the reason remains a mystery– to the frustration of every veteran. 

However, after that, she explains the flip side- the other times when, in truth, the VA did not see the necessary information they needed to approve the disability claim. In those cases, the veteran may have forgotten to provide that information or the VA simply misplaced it.

Amanda goes on and eventually takes us back in time to the old ways of the VA system. 

She tells us about the early days of her career when she recalls marching into the VA office just to see one file. They would walk the file out to you, sit you down in a cubicle, and you could collect/insert the information you needed. 

Nowadays, things are much easier thanks to technology. She explains that those working a veteran’s case can electronically submit information for a veteran and see that information appear in the online file the next day. 

Online access to files is pretty awesome, says Amanda, and one can only imagine how many times it has helped a veteran submit important information the VA needs. 

But while things are certainly better than they used to be back in the early days, mistakes at the VA still happen. 

Just a few months ago, those with pending claims received a letter in which the VA acknowledged a mailing issue that caused a massive delay in many time-sensitive letters. The delay meant that many veterans received letters with 30-day deadlines that had come and gone before the letter arrived in their mailbox. 

That’s a simple example of how badly the VA can mess up and hurt a veteran’s claim. 

Later on in the podcast, Amanda takes a call from a veteran– Robert. He describes intense breathing issues that he had after having an artificial heart valve installed. And Robert explains that he keeps getting the run around from the VA regarding that operation, nerve damage in his neck, his breathing problems and severe sleep apnea. 

He was wondering what the best thing to do in his situation would be. And Amanda guides him through the steps he should take next. 

Then, we move along to discussions about many important topics, including hesitation before filing a claim, family financial planning, and much more that you’ll want to hear as a member of the veteran community. If you need help filing your appeal, reach out to Veterans Law Group now!

Request your free consultation here.