Veteran's Voice Podcast with Amanda Mineer

Exciting Times for Veterans!

Amanda Mineer Episode 38

This episode of The Veterans Voice podcast is a can’t miss! 

Led by our host, Amanda L. Mineer, the managing attorney at Veterans Law Group, we cover anything and everything in this episode! From a full explanation of the PACT Act to a devastating jeep roll-over accident, this episode is undoubtedly full of educational and interesting topics. 

Amanda starts this whirlwind episode by covering the PACT Act as it just passed the Senate. 

And rest assured, after reading a 128-page pdf regarding the law, she’s well-informed. She tells us that as exciting as it is for many veterans, passing the Senate is only the first step. There’s much more work to be done behind the scenes by the VA and attorneys in the community. 

(Including everyone at Veterans Law Group.) 

But with the floodgates open, as Amanda put it, more veterans than ever will have help. She also says that the PACT Act will affect 1 in 5 veterans— Roughly 3 million people.

Aside from the amazing estimate, there’s much more crucial information that you must be aware of as a veteran. For the big notes regarding Agent Orange, supporting evidence and how the VA will handle all of the changes, tune into this episode! From our team at Veterans Law Group to you and your loved ones, you don’t want to miss any of this. 

Later, Amanda discusses the PACT Act in more detail, the VA’s bureaucracy and red tape. And then, she welcomes a call from Ron. He calls in to ask a question on behalf of his brother-in-law– a Vietnam veteran– who is suffering from something that Ron describes as a “Shrinking brain…”

Ron describes the living conditions that his brother-in-law needs to survive, and he asks Amanda to send him in a direction so that he can obtain the help his brother-in-law desperately needs to carry on. But that call isn’t the only one that came our way in this episode. Amanda also hears from a veteran named Max out of San Diego. 

Unlike Ron, Max isn’t calling on behalf of anyone. Max is calling to discuss his thoughts on the brutal burn pits and the future of traumatic brain injuries. And to also ask an important question on his mind, which ties into a VA communication error that has given quite a few veterans a big headache. 

Overall, there’s a lot more that you need to hear in this episode! From calls from veterans to the discussion of burn pits and Vietnam veterans, it’s all vital information in the veteran community. Be sure to listen to this episode now, and contact Veterans Law Group when you need help!