Tales of the Resistance

Meet the Team – Amy Schmidt

iAMResponsible Season 1 Episode 2

Welcome to “Tales of the Resistance” a podcast centered around learning about the IAMResponisble team and antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Hosted by 3 iAMResponsible staffers Mara Zelt, Amber Patterson, and Bella Breinig – they looove those microbes.

This week on “Tales of the Resistance” we have a manure connoisseur, microbe master, and our boss Amy Schmidt! A faculty member at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and CEO of the Schmidt lab, Amy is one of the founders of the iAMResponisble team. In this episode, we chat about the concept of one-health, the importance of awareness, and how our culture is leading us blind in the fight against resistance. Huge thank you to Amy for joining us!

Learn more about Amy: https://www.themanurelady.com/

This show is produced by the iAMResponsible project, a nationwide university outreach team led by Amy Schmidt at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln . Find out more about the project here. Funding for the iAMResponsbile Project was provided by USDA-NIFA Award Nos. 2017-68003-26497, 2018-68003-27467 and 2018-68003-27545. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Intro and outro music was by BenSound