The Promise Perspective Podcast

Leaving Babylon | Episode 34

August 17, 2023 Stephanie Green Season 3 Episode 34
Leaving Babylon | Episode 34
The Promise Perspective Podcast
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The Promise Perspective Podcast
Leaving Babylon | Episode 34
Aug 17, 2023 Season 3 Episode 34
Stephanie Green

If we want to understand Mystery Babylon, we first need to understand ancient Babylon. 
As I prepare to lay some groundwork on The Promise Perspective Podcast on some things the Father has put on my heart to share, it is important for me to be as thorough as I possibly can. The reason for this is because much of what I want to discuss involves exposing some roots of where the deception comes from. 
We are all called to be “laborers” for the harvest. If there are lies that need to be exposed, then they must be pulled from their roots. Anyone who has ever gardened before understands that before anything can be planted, the weeds must be uprooted, and the soil must be tilled and cultivated. And the thing about weeds is that they have some very deep roots and they can sometimes be a pain in the butt to get rid of, but it is necessary work to get rid of them or else they will choke out and kill the fruit from the good seed. 
The truth is that Ba’al worship has crept into the body of Messiah over the last 2,000 years and is deceiving millions of people today, and I hope that over the next few weeks I will be able to cultivate the soil of people’s hearts so that you might be able to receive the seeds I am trying to plant. 
Hosea 10:12 is my trumpet right now: “Break up your fallow ground, for it is time to seek Yahuah till he comes and rains righteousness on you.”
The reason I have to be so thorough with this is because the first step is breaking up our fallow ground—breaking up the hardened, cloddy, dry soil of our heart. Pulling the weeds out will certainly do that. But in the process, it is going to kick some dirt around. The labor is dirty work, and that soil has to be tilled and cultivated and weeded so that we can receive correction and discipline and knowledge of the Word. 
If our responsibility is to plant seeds (1 Corinthians 3:6), then my job is to be a gardener. I can’t make it rain (verse 12 in Hosea just told us that). The call is to be a gardener for Yahuah’s harvest. That’s why there’s so many references in Scripture to seeds, fruit, trees, branches, the vine, rain, harvest, etc.
There are some spiritual implications on how to be laborers of the harvest. The end of the age is represented as a harvest. If we are to make disciples, then I/we can’t just throw seeds on hard, dry, uncultivated soil. That would be vain (meaningless) labor. We must tend to it. 
A gardener/disciple must know the work that is required in order to plant seeds in the first place, and then nurture them. So, that’s why I try to be so thorough, and this is my heart behind everything I do—because I love you and I want to see fruit in your life. You know that saying, “people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care?” The same is true for discipleship. As much as it is possible, people need to be able to see that you come from a place of love, because if we don’t do this out of love, our entire discipleship and message is absolutely vain. Loving the Father and loving one another are the greatest commandments. “All of the law hangs on them (Matthew 22:40).” 
The gospel message/truth is inherently uncomfortable. Planting seeds first requires us to get our hands dirty. When we dig up the dirt in which lies have been buried, and start pulling out some weeds, it is going to be uncomfortable for many. This is why love is so important, because there are strongholds to tear down and foundations to build. 
The Father is seeking laborers who are not afraid to get their hands dirty--who aren't afraid to have that same dirt thrown in their face by those who do not seek to understand.
The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few. 
Luke 10:2

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Show Notes

If we want to understand Mystery Babylon, we first need to understand ancient Babylon. 
As I prepare to lay some groundwork on The Promise Perspective Podcast on some things the Father has put on my heart to share, it is important for me to be as thorough as I possibly can. The reason for this is because much of what I want to discuss involves exposing some roots of where the deception comes from. 
We are all called to be “laborers” for the harvest. If there are lies that need to be exposed, then they must be pulled from their roots. Anyone who has ever gardened before understands that before anything can be planted, the weeds must be uprooted, and the soil must be tilled and cultivated. And the thing about weeds is that they have some very deep roots and they can sometimes be a pain in the butt to get rid of, but it is necessary work to get rid of them or else they will choke out and kill the fruit from the good seed. 
The truth is that Ba’al worship has crept into the body of Messiah over the last 2,000 years and is deceiving millions of people today, and I hope that over the next few weeks I will be able to cultivate the soil of people’s hearts so that you might be able to receive the seeds I am trying to plant. 
Hosea 10:12 is my trumpet right now: “Break up your fallow ground, for it is time to seek Yahuah till he comes and rains righteousness on you.”
The reason I have to be so thorough with this is because the first step is breaking up our fallow ground—breaking up the hardened, cloddy, dry soil of our heart. Pulling the weeds out will certainly do that. But in the process, it is going to kick some dirt around. The labor is dirty work, and that soil has to be tilled and cultivated and weeded so that we can receive correction and discipline and knowledge of the Word. 
If our responsibility is to plant seeds (1 Corinthians 3:6), then my job is to be a gardener. I can’t make it rain (verse 12 in Hosea just told us that). The call is to be a gardener for Yahuah’s harvest. That’s why there’s so many references in Scripture to seeds, fruit, trees, branches, the vine, rain, harvest, etc.
There are some spiritual implications on how to be laborers of the harvest. The end of the age is represented as a harvest. If we are to make disciples, then I/we can’t just throw seeds on hard, dry, uncultivated soil. That would be vain (meaningless) labor. We must tend to it. 
A gardener/disciple must know the work that is required in order to plant seeds in the first place, and then nurture them. So, that’s why I try to be so thorough, and this is my heart behind everything I do—because I love you and I want to see fruit in your life. You know that saying, “people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care?” The same is true for discipleship. As much as it is possible, people need to be able to see that you come from a place of love, because if we don’t do this out of love, our entire discipleship and message is absolutely vain. Loving the Father and loving one another are the greatest commandments. “All of the law hangs on them (Matthew 22:40).” 
The gospel message/truth is inherently uncomfortable. Planting seeds first requires us to get our hands dirty. When we dig up the dirt in which lies have been buried, and start pulling out some weeds, it is going to be uncomfortable for many. This is why love is so important, because there are strongholds to tear down and foundations to build. 
The Father is seeking laborers who are not afraid to get their hands dirty--who aren't afraid to have that same dirt thrown in their face by those who do not seek to understand.
The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few. 
Luke 10:2

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