#ExploreŠkoda Podcast 2.0

Better traffic situation in the city? We need the data about pedestrians too, says the MIT expert


Data moves the world - especially in urban mobility. The municipalities, or f.e. service providers, are collecting the data and using them to improve their services and the place we live in. What data to collect? And how to use them for urban projects regarding mobility issues and climate change? That was one of the main topics of this year's Prague City Data Congress. And one of the speakers was Fábio Duarte, the principal research scientist at MIT Senseable City Lab.  

Fábio Duarte wants to improve the urban public space with the available data - preferably to eliminate as many cars as possible. With his colleagues, he worked, among other projects, on autonomous robotic boats or the optimization of taxi rides in New York. What data do you need for these solutions? And in what case should you invest in infrastructure that helps you collect the data? That's the topic for today's SIMPLY CLEVER PODCAST, recorded directly on Prague City Data Congress. And the other guest is Jan Charouz, CEO of shared electric scooter platform BeRider.