BCF ORG Tech Talk

#10 - Summary - Electric Actuators and Pneumatic Cylinders

September 13, 2022 Brian Fisher

Episode 10 is the last in the Electric Actuator vs. Pneumatic Cylinder Series. 

We summarize the previous nine (9) Episodes where we covered:  Introduction to Electric Actuators vs. Pneumatic Cylinders, Industry Direction, Cost of Ownership, Unexpected Downtime, The Many Advantages of Electrical Actuators, Linear Motors Made Simple, Frequent Maintenance, Pneumatics and The Environment, and heard from actual users with their experiences of using Pneumatic Cylinders and Electric Tubular Actuators.

This Podcast series, focuses on the various subjects and topics, to help you, choose the right Industrial Automation Solution for your application.  

Each episode is approximately 10 - 15 minutes long so you can listen while commuting.

It’s targeted to Engineers and Project Managers.