The Eurasian Climate Brief

Own coal goal: phasing out the fossil fuel in Russia. An interview with Anna Korppoo

November 01, 2021 Eurasian Climate Brief Team Season 1 Episode 2

The Eurasian Climate Brief is a new podcast dedicated to climate news in the region stretching from Eastern Europe and Russia down to Caucasia and Central Asia. 

Join us in Glasgow for our special COP26 series. The talks have been billed as the last-chance summit to prevent catastrophic climate change.

In this episode we’re focussing on Russia's current reliance on coal, less than a day after G20 countries failed to reach an agreement to phase out the fuel.  Angelina and Boris talk to Russian climate policy expert Anna Korppoo, a research professor at Norway’s Fridtjof Nansen Institute. The research she mentions in the interview can be found under:

 This episode is hosted by:

  • Natalie Sauer, an environmental journalist and MA student in Russian and Post-Soviet Politics at University College London.  A former reporter a Climate Home News, Natalie has run the gamut of climate talks, from the annual COPs, intersessionnal talks in Bonn to negotiations over how to phrase landmark reports by Intergovernmental on Climate Change. Her words have appeared in international media such as Le Monde Diplomatique, Politico Europe, AFP, Euractiv and the Heinrich Boll Foundation.
  • Boris Schneider, a political economy and energy expert at n-ost, a Berlin-based network for cross-border reporting. Boris heads initiatives to boost climate journalism in Central Asia, the Caucasus and Eastern Europe. 
  • Angelina Davydova, an environmental journalist from Russia. Angelina has been writing about climate change in the region for Russian and international media and attending UN climate summits since 2008. She also teaches environmental journalism and environmental and climate policy and communication in a number of universities and regularly organises training for journalists from Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Caucasus on environmental and climate reporting.

Join us for a regional perspective on this historic climate summit. Follow the Eurasian Climate Brief now in your favourite podcast app. 

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