George Real Estate Group Radio Broadcast

Home Ownership Secrets: Insights and Inspection Wisdom with Jim Rauland

April 22, 2024 George Real Estate Group
Home Ownership Secrets: Insights and Inspection Wisdom with Jim Rauland
George Real Estate Group Radio Broadcast
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George Real Estate Group Radio Broadcast
Home Ownership Secrets: Insights and Inspection Wisdom with Jim Rauland
Apr 22, 2024
George Real Estate Group

Unlock the hidden truths of home ownership as we journey through the world of property intricacies with Jim Rauland of Quality Home Consultants. With a wealth of experience spanning a quarter-century and over 35,000 homes, Jim divulges the essential role of thorough inspections in safeguarding your investment. From the shocking discovery of unconnected showers in new homes to the pivotal guidance for buyers in a bustling real estate market, our discussion peels back the layers of home buying, offering indispensable knowledge for both seasoned and first-time buyers.

Ever wonder how the condition of a septic system could make or break your home purchase? We wade into the often-overlooked world of septic systems, revealing the critical importance of proper installation, maintenance, and the potential pitfalls of expanding a home without due diligence. Hear firsthand accounts of the perils of missing permits and the dramatic consequences it can have on property values and ownership. This episode is your guide to navigating these subterranean complexities and avoiding the financial sinkholes that can come with them.

As the real estate market continues to sizzle in Henderson County, we dissect the advantages of pre-inspections for buyers and sellers alike. Sellers, seize the opportunity to command premium prices by resolving home issues beforehand, while buyers gain the upper hand by sidestepping hidden costs. Meanwhile, the George Real Estate Group's sterling reputation in western North Carolina shines through, offering up pearls of wisdom for navigating the property landscape. Tune in for a deep dive into the meticulous nature of home inspections and the valuable, often unexpected findings that only a seasoned pro like Jim Rauland can provide.

Quality Home Consultants
Over 35,000 Home Inspections since 1998, Quality Home Consultants are ready to serve you.

Pure Haven Photography
Pure Haven Photography offers real estate visual solutions including photography, videography, drone

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Unlock the hidden truths of home ownership as we journey through the world of property intricacies with Jim Rauland of Quality Home Consultants. With a wealth of experience spanning a quarter-century and over 35,000 homes, Jim divulges the essential role of thorough inspections in safeguarding your investment. From the shocking discovery of unconnected showers in new homes to the pivotal guidance for buyers in a bustling real estate market, our discussion peels back the layers of home buying, offering indispensable knowledge for both seasoned and first-time buyers.

Ever wonder how the condition of a septic system could make or break your home purchase? We wade into the often-overlooked world of septic systems, revealing the critical importance of proper installation, maintenance, and the potential pitfalls of expanding a home without due diligence. Hear firsthand accounts of the perils of missing permits and the dramatic consequences it can have on property values and ownership. This episode is your guide to navigating these subterranean complexities and avoiding the financial sinkholes that can come with them.

As the real estate market continues to sizzle in Henderson County, we dissect the advantages of pre-inspections for buyers and sellers alike. Sellers, seize the opportunity to command premium prices by resolving home issues beforehand, while buyers gain the upper hand by sidestepping hidden costs. Meanwhile, the George Real Estate Group's sterling reputation in western North Carolina shines through, offering up pearls of wisdom for navigating the property landscape. Tune in for a deep dive into the meticulous nature of home inspections and the valuable, often unexpected findings that only a seasoned pro like Jim Rauland can provide.

Quality Home Consultants
Over 35,000 Home Inspections since 1998, Quality Home Consultants are ready to serve you.

Pure Haven Photography
Pure Haven Photography offers real estate visual solutions including photography, videography, drone

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.

Speaker 1:

Hello friends, Thank you so much for being here. This is the George Real Estate Group podcast, which is a production of our live weekly radio shows hosted on multiple radio stations here in Hendersonville, North Carolina. The George Real Estate Group serves Western North Carolina and upstate South Carolina and it is a privilege to share positive news about our local real estate market and community. Thanks so much for subscribing and, of course, if you have any real estate questions or if we can help you in any way, be sure to reach out. Visit us at georgerealestategroupradiocom for more information. Good morning and welcome to the Georgia Real Estate Group live radio broadcast here in the queue Every Monday morning, bringing you positive news about your local real estate market and community, and thankful to be here with you on April 22nd, Earth Day. And a lot to be thankful for. Before we get started, I want to say thank you to our radio show sponsors. Quality Home Consultants who's in the house this morning? Jim Rawlings over 35,000 home inspections over a couple decades now, right, that's right. 25 years, that's incredible. 25 years, that's amazing. And we're going to jump into the conversation. It's always fascinating, Jim, when we get you here, and can I mean again, as busy as you are I mean I would argue you might be busier than I am and again, thankful for you to spend some time with us this morning, Also want to say thank you. We also have Pure Haven Photography. We're so grateful for their radio show sponsorship as well and, of course, the work that they do that make our homes come alive. And you might not be looking to buy or sell, but they do drone photography, maybe of land you want to have droned and photographed or videoed. They do incredible work and we use them for our professional photography, for our listings, to make them just pop, and it really you can tell the difference with professional photography versus not. And again, we're so thankful for Justin Lauder and his team at Pure Haven Photography and grateful for their sponsorship as well.

Speaker 1:

I have a fun just life story, Jim. Before and Mark's not heard this yet either but this weekend I was out of town. I went to Rock Hill, South Carolina, and I get into. My brother and I are there. We go into the restaurant to just get a quick bite to eat. Before we had something going on. Later that evening, the skies were absolutely blue. On later that evening, the skies were absolutely blue. All of a sudden the sky opened up and golf ball size to lemon size hail came down and I took videos of this and it looked like and, by the way, it was like 70 degrees or warmer in it, but it looked like snow had covered the ground and unfortunately it literally my car, all these other cars windows shattered, uh, I mean, it was like a war zone and I've never experienced a hailstorm like that in life in real life.

Speaker 2:

That's amazing. That's. I've never seen anything like that I never either.

Speaker 1:

It was absolutely mind-boggling. And then you know, 20 minutes later, it passes, 15 minutes later and it's blue skies again.

Speaker 2:

Well, I guess it's Earth Day is letting you know. Well, it is Earth Day, great, but I was like I just had to share that.

Speaker 1:

I mean, you hear about these hailstorms and then, by the way I don't know if this might be a segue into you, notice hail on roofs. I mean like hail damage on roofs, but I mean thank goodness we were not outside. I mean it would have literally sent you to the hospital. These golf ball size plus hail just came down and destroyed everything. That's just crazy.

Speaker 2:

It totaled my car. I was wondering why I didn't see your car in the parking lot.

Speaker 1:

I know, I mean, it was just absolutely and I was so grateful for my insurance. I got the car towed back at a two-hour long drive with the tow truck driver. He talked. You can tell when people work by themselves and they get a captive audience.

Speaker 1:

He talked to me the entire two hours home. But again, thankful no one was hurt and never. I mean, it's just stuff and we'll, we'll deal with that too. But again, uh, I don't know if we've had that type of hail ever hit our area. Who knows? I mean, uh, paul might be able to tell us that. But like, anyways, it's just, but I mean just unbelievable. I've never seen that kind of hail.

Speaker 2:

It was unbelievable. That's amazing yeah.

Speaker 1:

So you guys, I mean I'm sure, if you're up on the, do I actually get on the roof? We do, yeah, yeah, and so the the thing about buying a house is the uh, it's one of someone's biggest financial investments and you know quality home consultants, jim, you and your team, I mean it is. It is we literally get buyers to sign something if they deny our recommendation for a home inspection. It's like you know, doctors, what's the document? Ama Against Medical Advice? It's like if you're not going to get a home inspection, we're actually going to have you sign a document saying you're not getting a home inspection. It's that important.

Speaker 2:

We've had general contractors hire us and we're amazed that, hey, I wouldn't have found that A general contractor who builds houses and we're finding things that he wouldn't have found.

Speaker 1:

Isn't that amazing? Well, that brings up a great point. People might say, oh, I'm just going to do a home inspection on an existing home. We, maybe even more so, invite and recommend home inspections on new construction.

Speaker 2:

It's amazing the things that we find. We have found showers that weren't connected to the main drain line underneath in the crawl space, so five years Main. Yeah, five years later, there's just a pipe coming out of the master shower straight down into the crawl space and we are doing a five-year-old house and the crawl space is flooded with water and mold everywhere. And they bought it brand new and the shower's never connected to the sewer line Unbelievable. Yeah, it could have saved thousands and thousands of dollars, right.

Speaker 1:

Again, we're all assuming and we're all hoping for the best, but again, this is where it's just a check and balance. There's some accountability, I mean. It's critical.

Speaker 2:

And another thing that we offer for new construction is okay, hey, we're going to make sure that all your showers are connected to the sewer line, but 11 months later is when you really need us to come back, because you have a 12-month warranty.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and so you guys will come back during oh on the 11th month, right?

Speaker 2:

right, so we can pick up things that weren't able to be seen right when it was built. The house gets to settle a little bit, gets to move, things start to operate and things can break. In that timeframe, water can get in the crawl space or whatever. If it wasn't in the crawl space on day one when it was built, 11 months later they may have a water issue that we didn't know about.

Speaker 1:

Right. And again, this is just part of the check and bounce. And again, to your point, house is settled, you're living, and it's just that it's got to-.

Speaker 2:

You're going to find stuff 11 months later that you couldn't find on day one, and you need to do it before the 12-month warranty period is over.

Speaker 1:

Isn't that fascinating. A lot of people don't realize that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah. And if they go 12 months in a day, it's their problem. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

It's over. So, again, this is where again, whether you're buying a new home, whether you're buying an old home, getting a home inspection. It's not just home inspections. You guys do septic pest. Well, I mean radon, I mean it's a one-stop shop.

Speaker 2:

We do everything except for appraisals and surveys. So everything that you need done with the home and the home buying process is done in-house. So also we take care of people after they bought the home. So we have annual inspections that people can sign up for, say the house is you know? They buy the house. We did the initial home inspection and things have changed, you know. So maybe a windstorm came through and some shingles blew off or some flashing.

Speaker 1:

Or a hailstorm.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, or a hailstorm, yeah, or a hailstorm Exactly, or a hailstorm that they didn't know about. Oh, that's right, yeah.

Speaker 1:

By the way, honestly, other than the debris, everything was melted away. You're like what happened here, yeah, but it's so fascinating and anybody that owns a home, I know I mean probably majority of your business is working with buyers and sellers, but this is interesting, just like you go get your car maintenance and you get your oil changed, I mean you're working with any homeowner.

Speaker 1:

I mean, that's the thing your audience is not just the buying and selling time. It can be anybody, especially septics, I mean we have so many septic systems here in Henderson County.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, 40% of all the homes in North Carolina are on septic.

Speaker 1:

There we go, and we were going to try to find out what that number was for Henderson County, but I bet it's probably in line with the state.

Speaker 2:

Right, yeah, but I bet it's probably in line with the state.

Speaker 1:

Right yeah, because you've got outliers where septic or sewer systems just can't get to. It might even be higher than that because when you look at our city population versus our county population, it might even be higher than that for Henderson County.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and some of the, even the ones that are on sewer because we live in the mountains, they have to have pumps to get to sewer Right and a septic tank with a pump, even though they're on city sewer they have a septic tank and a pump to get to it.

Speaker 1:

Isn't that fascinating? Yeah, Again. So there's components of it. They have a holding tank and then it pumps it into the city sewer system. Right, they?

Speaker 2:

don't have a drain field, but it's going to a city sewer because the mountainous areas create a challenge for city sewer.

Speaker 1:

That's fascinating. Are you guys actually installing septic systems?

Speaker 2:

Yes, we are.

Speaker 1:

So again, maybe somebody's thinking about building or it's a total septic replacement. I mean, like these things happen.

Speaker 2:

We'll do brand new installations. We do repairs. So if you have one drain line that's not working, it's coming out of the ground or it's leaking out of the ground or it's not accepting water, we can fix those issues. Sometimes we have to put a whole new drain field in, or just a tank, so we can repair or install new systems.

Speaker 1:

Here's a classic question people ask I have a two-bedroom house or a three-bedroom house. I'm wanting to add another bedroom. Can you do that?

Speaker 2:

We're doing that right now on another realtor's personal home. She had a three-bedroom septic on a five-bedroom house and she goes. I just got my commission check and I want to update my house and so when I sell it, I want to be able to sell it as a five-bedroom.

Speaker 1:

Well then, let's talk about that, because this happens quite often. You have a house that's for sale and, functionally and physically, you walk into the house and you're like, oh, there's five bedrooms here, it has a closet. It checks all the boxes, however, because if it's on a septic system, homes can only be advertised by what the septic permit allows, and so it's prohibitive, so that home probably should have been just advertised as a three-bedroom house, even though functionally and physically, there was five bedrooms in the house.

Speaker 2:

That's right, and so that system is getting overtaxed.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's right, Anyways. Well, because it's based on capacity, right with the septic, which is so fascinating to me, you could have 100 toilets in a house as long as you if you have a three-bedroom permit and you have three bedrooms, but they don't care how many bathrooms you have in the house. Isn't that interesting, it is.

Speaker 2:

And at first, when I got into the septic business, I went why don't they count up the toilets? Because that's what's going in there, but it's the people that live there. So if you only have a one-bedroom house, you're not going to have 10 people living there, right? So if you only have a one-bedroom house, you're not going to have 10 people living there, right.

Speaker 1:

It's occupancy and capacity Right. Isn't that fascinating? So again to your point. It might be back to that situation. It's a five-bedroom house. However, the septic system's only capacity is for three bedrooms.

Speaker 2:

And there's agents out there that don't understand. Hey, I see a five-bedroom house and they say they're on septic. I can't find a permit. We're going to call it a five-bedroom house because they can't find the permit right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there is a was it a couple decades of some missing records. I don't know the full story on that, but like I mean, there's just a, there are some missing records and so there's some situations that there's not septic permits available. What do you do in that? What do you recommend doing in that situation? I mean, you can obviously inspect it, but there's not a permit in place.

Speaker 2:

So we search. During a septic inspection we'll search for the drain field and see how long the lines are, you can do some calculations.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we can do some basic calculations. Typically it's 110 gallons a day per person, per bedroom I mean actually. So if you have a three-bedroom house, then you have 330 gallons or 360 gallons somewhere in that range, and so you're going to have a certain linear footage of drain fields. So if I see there's only a three-bedroom drain field and there's a five-bedroom house, we can say hey, we don't have a permit and this thing might not be a five-bedroom system System.

Speaker 1:

Well, be aware, because again, here's the thing In North Carolina, all homes are sold, as is. This is why buyers get to do their inspections and investigations and you as a buyer want to make sure that before you take possession and ownership of it and close on it, you want to know all the facts about it. And buyers aren't obligated to buy. I've shared this. During the due diligence period, sellers aren't obligated to fix anything and they can negotiate anything after the fact. But if you're going to go forward with a house and the capacity or you know, it's fascinating to me that some people choose not to get septic inspections.

Speaker 2:

It used to be, you know? Hey, it's in the ground.

Speaker 1:

There's no problem.

Speaker 2:

We don't see it, we don't smell it. If it's not backing up, it's great, you know, Right, and I don't have to worry about it. It's underground. But I've come to how people have called me and said hey, I bought this house. We didn't get a septic inspection because we were told it was sewer and all of a sudden it started backing up in the house and we found out we had a septic system. Wow, yeah. Or you know, you've seen all kinds of deals. I'm sure you have.

Speaker 1:

I know you can't make this stuff up, but again this is so important. Again, we're talking to anybody that's a homeowner get your septic inspected, if you haven't. If you want to have somebody crawl in your crawl space and go in your attic, go on your roof, I mean it's just. I mean A how safe is it for someone to be doing that? But you guys are the professionals, you're insured and you can put a full report together and then, if and when someone goes to sell, you say look, I had my house inspected. And then we've maintained it all these years and you guys do annual inspections for homes.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, annual home inspections to make sure that there's nothing weird going on with the house that you know. A small issue, if you let it go for months and years, all of a sudden becomes a really big, high-figure dollar problem for them. That could have been prevented when it was just a tiny problem. So we have these annual inspections and then we also have annual septic maintenance program so you can have the whole house, including the septic, monitored for them and then say they have this annual inspection Every year. We do this. And then when five years later, seven years later, they turn around and want to sell the house, then it's basically pre-inspected. You know if a buyer comes in, they see all these annual reports.

Speaker 1:

They feel a lot better the confidence someone can have. Yeah, and and and it's it matters. Um. So we have jim rawlings here with us, quality home consultants in and we're going to take a break here in a second, but what's the best phone number? How can people reach out to you? You guys are out on Asheville Highway here in Hendersonville. I mean, maybe if they want to stop by, but it's best to call in. You can set an appointment.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the phone number is 828-687-7221,. Or you can even book us online at qualityhomeconsultantscom, so you can visit our website and request an inspection. So, yeah, those two ways are the best, that's amazing.

Speaker 1:

We have a short break coming up. If you're tuning in for the first time ever, you're listening to the Georgia Real Estate Group live radio broadcast here on the Q every Monday morning. We podcast all of our shows. If you want to catch any of our past episodes or you didn't get to hear the whole conversation today, you can go to our podcast, follow us and subscribe to us on your favorite podcast platform.

Speaker 1:

If you're thinking about buying, thinking about selling, the market is continuing to move. I have some numbers that I'll share with you after the break and we'll talk about what is happening with the 2024 housing market. But we'll jump into that and you can call us directly at 828-393-0134. So stay tuned in. We'll be right back. Good morning and welcome back to the Georgia Real Estate Group live radio broadcast here in the queue every Monday morning, bringing you positive news about your local real estate market and community. I promised that I would share some of the local numbers of what's happening in Henderson County. Single family homes the average single family home price in Henderson County, and I'll give you the percentage first. We are up this current rolling 12 months versus the previous 12 months over 7.5% in Henderson County. Over 7.5% appreciation. Our average single-family home price in Henderson County $536,000. That's incredible $536,000.

Speaker 1:

That's incredible $536,000, and it keeps going up. You might say how is that possible with these interest rates? Well, almost 40% it's like 38% of our sales are cash, and that's happening. I mean, people are coming from California, new York, florida. They're selling their homes and that's indicative of the entire housing ownership because of the aging population, homeowners that have owned their home, they've paid off their mortgage, and so it's reflective of the amount of homeowners that have their homes paid off. And so when they go sell their home by the way, one of the biggest tax breaks you will get in your lifetime is selling your personal home. As a married couple, you do not pay taxes on the first $500,000 of gains, which is significant, and so you can sell your home. You take out what you paid for it, your expenses, what you put into it, and then your profit. If it's less than $500,000 of profit, you're not paying taxes on that.

Speaker 2:

So even if it's a million-dollar home and you don't have $500,000 in profit, you don't have to pay any tax.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's not about the price of the home, but it's about the profit.

Speaker 2:

Well, many people are saying I'm going to wait until the interest rates come down to buy. But you think about that 7% number, that I'm going to wait until the interest rates come down to buy. But you think about that 7% number, that 7% in value is more than that.

Speaker 1:

Well, isn't that interesting too. We've had 7% appreciation and cost of money. Right now is 7% for a mortgage, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So really you're shooting yourself in the foot if you don't go ahead and jump in the market and ride that appreciation.

Speaker 1:

Well, guess what's going to happen when the interest rates go down? You're going to have even more demand, it's going to be even more competitive and prices are going to keep going up, right? I mean, like you know people, yeah, there's a myth right now, a myth that I should wait to move until mortgage rates fall. And the reality is, while experts say rates will come down, trying to time the market isn't a good strategy. I mean, you can't time the market. The other thing is oh, this is another fascinating thing Because of what I just shared about cash a lot of people think I'll get a better deal if I pay cash. Well, to some degree, but because there's such a high percentage of cash buyers I mean cash is certainly. If a seller's comparing a cash offer versus a loan offer, assuming all other things are equal, they are going to most likely go with a cash offer.

Speaker 2:

It's easier.

Speaker 1:

It's easier. You don't have the appraisal. But the interesting thing is people think prices are going to fall or are falling. They're not, like I just said, 7% appreciation. The other fascinating thing is people think there's nothing available. I mean there's some 300 homes active and you might say, well, I can't find anything in my price point.

Speaker 1:

The truth is there's homes always coming up. There might be less options but there's still options available and that's where we're working with a professional to help you identify homes, to help you make. If you are going to get a mortgage, get qualified, we can help you walk through that and find out what you can qualify for and you don't have to necessarily put 20% down. There's other programs available federally funded loan back program, loan programs where you can put as little as three and a half percent down or zero percent down. And when you're looking at renting versus owning, if you're going to stay in the home, you know you're essentially with renting, you're paying a hundred percent interest and and the rental rates out there right now are mortgages well, they are, yeah, they are, and you can and guess what?

Speaker 1:

every year the landlord can actually increase your rent and then you don't own it and you still don't own it, and so it can be a sobering. There's obviously a time and place to rent and everybody's been there, had those moments in their lives, the transition. But don't get stuck in the rental loop Again. If you can afford and you're going to stay in the area, you can find something that might even be better than your rent. So again, it's so fascinating.

Speaker 2:

There was a family that went to our kid's school and they were shocked about the increase in prices In 2020, they cashed out and said, oh, we're going to wait for the market to drop. And guess what? That was a bet that they made, and they're permanent renters now. Yeah, they can't afford to buy their own house back.

Speaker 1:

Isn't that that's unfortunate.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I mean and that's where this is why I mean, be careful with what the news says, be careful. And if you're thinking about buying, thinking about selling, you know, talk to a real estate professional, you know and we can walk you through. What are the dynamics? I mean, no one can predict what's going to happen, but prices right now and prices have always been supply and demand and even though there's less homes selling, it's all relative. I mean, we're averaging some 120 homes a month selling in Henderson County based on the last 12 months. That is a decline from the previous 12 months, but it's still 120 homes a month selling and there's 300 homes in the market. So I mean it's still a seller's market, yes, and prices are going to keep going up.

Speaker 2:

And they're not going to fold over and say hey, we're going to give you a concession, we're going to drop our prices.

Speaker 1:

They don't have to because of the demand Right. We're still seeing multiple offers. We're able to help our sellers net the most money possible when you give the most exposure. Anyways, I just want to give a little bit of a snapshot on the market, but we still have some time Again. So thankful for Jim Rawlings and his team and Quality Home Consultants. Thank you for being here this morning and thank you for everything you do with our clients. But I mean, this is such a critical piece of the buying and selling process and you guys make it easy because we need to know this information.

Speaker 2:

We have programs for all angles of this thing. So we will pre-inspect your house before we put it on the market.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, pre-inspections can be critical, because let's just talk about the dynamic there. Well, first off, buyers always overestimate what things are going to be to fix. And if you're in a time crunch now, granted, buyers don't have to buy, sellers don't have to fix anything during that due diligence period. But if a seller knows this information up front, you're more in control. You're not going to have the surprise. You can fix things, usually less expensive than if you had to do it during a certain time crunch. And then it's a non-issue when you go to sell your house, which means you're going to actually get more money.

Speaker 2:

Right. And if you disclose everything, there's not a secondary negotiation. That's right.

Speaker 1:

There's no surprises. Hey, it is what it is. And in North Carolina, material facts have to be disclosed. Sellers and that's maybe something people think is like oh, if I get a pre-inspection I'm going to have to fix everything. No, you don't have to, but it's going to help you when you go to sell it. Buyers would rather know anything up front, full disclosure. And guess what, if they're going to walk away over that, I'd rather them walk away over that up front than them go under contract. We come off the market and then we have to start all over because they said they didn't like what the home inspection said.

Speaker 2:

And then the property's tainted Right, even though there's nothing-.

Speaker 1:

Nothing wrong with it. I mean, it's all relative, but it's a psychological thing.

Speaker 2:

That one went back on the market.

Speaker 1:

People ask questions yeah.

Speaker 2:

Automatically. That's going to reduce the price.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and you don't have to do that. You can save yourself the heartache by doing a pre-inspection.

Speaker 2:

We have a program for buyers too no-transcript.

Speaker 1:

That's significant and I know you've had some stories on how this literally have saved tens of thousands of dollars for buyers by having that. What's the fee for someone to come out during normal $300.

Speaker 2:

Incredible. So some agents are using it. If they have buyers that aren't really worried about small issues, they'll actually say okay, we're going to walk through. I'm concerned about the foundation and I'm concerned about the roof, or I'm just concerned about the heat system.

Speaker 1:

Or the crawl space, whatever yeah.

Speaker 2:

And so we'll look at those things and they'll say, okay, well, I'm going to give full price, no inspection, close in a week. And guess who that seller picks? No inspection, close in a week. And guess who that seller picks that one? Yeah, because there's no inspection. Yeah, they know that their deal is done.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they feel good about it and because they had a professional. Now the certifications of your home inspectors, I mean it's stringent. Oh yeah, I mean you guys, the education and a lot of your I mean talk about that Again just the education you have to go through, some of you and your team, some of you are general contractors, yeah, general contractors.

Speaker 2:

Every one of our inspectors we have eight inspectors Every one of our inspectors has been in the building trade, so it's not like they went to a two-week school, an online course, and say, okay, now I know how to build a house or how to look at a house. Right, our guys have actually built houses.

Speaker 1:

They've actually built houses.

Speaker 2:

And we do 12 hours of continuing education every year. Yeah, so we have eight inspectors that have eight different experiences, so when there's something that comes up-.

Speaker 1:

Oh, you guys can collaborate together. That's right, that's incredible.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so hey, I've never seen this before. There's always something. I've been doing it 25 years. We've done over 35,000 inspections. There's still one more thing.

Speaker 1:

There's still one more thing we haven't seen yet. Right, never will we ever, I mean see the end of things. I mean it's again things you put into categories of things we can't make up. Yeah, I mean during the break, I mean when we talked about this before. I mean you've found, you've discovered unpermitted septics built or that homes have been built over. Yeah, living rooms have been built over.

Speaker 2:

One that we had to get an extension ladder to get down in a hole to go get it. It's insane. Is that called a riser? A riser, but it's like 12 foot deep. That's the most extreme riser I've ever. Yeah, and I found roof pitches that were the framers didn't know how to frame the roof and the buyer Never would have Wouldn't have known, because you had to get on the roof to see it. Wow, and that whole roof system, framing and everything had to come off to fix it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and that whole roof system, framing and everything had to come off to fix it. Yeah, and again in the scheme of things, I mean the cost to do a home inspection, versus as a buyer you're making your biggest financial investment and then the devastation to find out after the fact and that's why we literally have buyers sign a document. I mean we are very I mean very rarely. I mean I don't know. I mean that is such a rare event where a buyer says no, I mean very rarely. I mean I don't know. I mean that is such a rare event where a buyer says no, I don't want a home inspection. But if that happens, you're literally signing a document that says this against our advice.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because you don't want to say hey, I told you, I told you you needed one. If something comes up later, you don't want to be.

Speaker 1:

Well, because once someone closes on it and owns it, it's their response. I mean, there's no take-back season as the kids say.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, it's wild, jim, so grateful to have you here with us this morning. Again, septic, radon, home inspection, water I mean you guys do everything one-stop shop except appraisals and survey, right, I mean, which? Again, we have incredible people for that too. But what's the best way for our listeners to get a hold of you? And again, you don't have to be buying or selling? That's the amazing thing, again, what you guys offer. If you own a home, our listeners should be calling you guys. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

You can get a hold of us at 828-687-7221 or qualityhomeconsultantscom. That's amazing.

Speaker 1:

And again, thank you for everything you do.

Speaker 2:

I appreciate you letting me come.

Speaker 3:

This is always a fun conversation.

Speaker 1:

And, by the way, if you didn't catch that and just need to call the Q, I know the Q will be glad to pass along your information as well. And when you call Jim and his team, mention that you heard him on the radio. It's always good feedback there. But if you're thinking about buying or selling, we'd certainly love to interview for the job. The market's so strong and again, we'd be grateful to interview for the job. Give us a call at 828-393-0134, George Real Estate Group. We're growing. We're hiring more agents. I'm so thankful we're located in Flat Rock. Our friends at Hubba Hubba are Supernation. If you've not been by there for the barbecue that's good.

Speaker 1:

I recently discovered their tacos. They have unbelievable tacos barbecue tacos with brisket or chicken. I'm already getting hungry. Right now it's not even lunchtime, sounds amazing. Go check out their tacos Again. Spencer and Star, those guys there at Hubba Hubba, our friends at Flat Rock Bakery, our friends at Campfire Grill and the Wrinkled Egg Again. Stop by. Our friends at Flat Rock Bakery, our friends at Campfire Grill and the Wrinkled Egg again. Stop by. We're there. The George Real Estate Group's located in Flat Rock. But thank you so much for tuning in. Have a great, wonderful rest of your Earth Day today and tune in. We'll be here next Monday. And, of course, subscribe to our radio show podcast Take care and we'll see you next week.

Speaker 3:

Hey guys, it's Lucy Miller, george, your favorite 9-year-old and I'm here to talk about the George Real Estate Group. Are you ready to sell your home and move on to bigger and better things? Well, let me tell you my family knows a thing or two about selling houses. We have the experience of helping over 1,300 families. And, let's be real, we have the experience of helping over 1,300 families and let's be real, selling your home is a big deal, but with our expert guidance and our terrible dad jokes and Lucy jokes, we will make the process as easy and painless as possible. Want to hear a joke? Why did the real estate agent cross the road To get to the other listing? Okay, maybe our jokes aren't the best, but our selling skills are definitely are. Give us a call today 828-393-0134. Have a nice day.

Speaker 4:

The George Real Estate Group has the experience of selling over 1,200 properties and serving over 1,200 families with their real estate needs in Henderson County and throughout western North Carolina. The George Real Estate Group is located in Flat Rock, north Carolina, near Hendersonville in Henderson County. You can find them online at realestatebygregcom. The George Real Estate Group can be reached at 828-393-0134 or stop by their office at 2720 Greenville Highway, flat Rock, north Carolina. Tune in live each week on Monday mornings at 9 0 5 on WTZQ FM 95.3 and 1600 AM, or stream online at WTZQcom.

Real Estate Group Podcast and Inspections
Septic Systems
Real Estate Market Dynamics and Pre-Inspections
Henderson County Real Estate Group