Gone Fission Nuclear Report

S2E32 Gone Fission Nuclear Report - 11/14/22 - Hanford Leaking Tanks Agreement - Delmar Noyes, Assistant Manager, Tank Farms, DOE-Hanford

Michael Butler Season 2 Episode 32

Potential leaks in underground radioactive tanks is a priority concern with the Department of Energy's Environmental Management office. Many of these tanks are single-shell containment and were constructed during the Manhattan Project and the Cold War. Today, they are aging and subject to leaks, more so than the double-shell tanks also now in use. Two tanks are currently leaking at DOE's Hanford site in Washington state. DOE and the Washington Department of the Ecology, the state regulator, have reached agreement on how these tanks should be managed.  In this episode, Delmar Noyes, Assistant Manager of Tank Farms for DOE's Hanford office, discusses the settlement and what is being done to ensure the safety of the public and the environment. 

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