Gone Fission Nuclear Report

S2E34 Gone Fission Nuclear Report - 11/28/22 - Energy Communities Alliance Community Guide to Environmental Cleanup, Seth Kirshenberg, ECA Executive Director

Michael Butler Season 2 Episode 34

Community involvement is a central element in the success of the Department of Energy's environmental cleanup program. Local community leaders, elected officials and the public at-large are encouraged to take a seat at the table to provide input and participate in discussions about cleanup priorities. The Energy Communities Alliance (ECA) in Washington, DC, is the designated organization for advocacy and support for communities around DOE sites. In this episode of the Gone Fission Nuclear Report, we talk with ECA Executive Director Seth Kirshenberg about a new Community Guide to Environmental Cleanup. This interactive guide is designed to help communities and other interested parties in developing an effective and collaborative approach in working with DOE toward accomplishment of mutual cleanup goals at DOE sites. 

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