Gone Fission Nuclear Report

S2E35 Gone Fission Nuclear Report - 12/5/22- Hanford Waste: Grouting vs Vitrification, Gary Petersen, Duane Schmoker, Clean Up Hanford Now

Michael Butler Season 2 Episode 35

56 million gallons of liquid radioactive waste are stored in 177 underground tanks at the Department of Energy's Hanford site in Washington state. One of the Department's highest priorities is to treat this waste and convert it into a solid glass form for permanent disposal. But a local citizens group in Richland, WA, says an alternative method--known as grouting--can take care of the bulk of the waste faster, cheaper and safely compared to turning it into glass through vitrification. In this week's episode of the Gone Fission Nuclear Report, we reprise an interview from our audio series last Spring featuring Gary Petersen and Duane Schmoker of Clean Up Hanford Now, who make the case that grouting is the best route for the vast portion of the Hanford tank waste

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