Gone Fission Nuclear Report

S3E4 Gone Fission Nuclear Report - 01/23/23 - Retiring CRO Head Looks Back - Rick McLeod, President & CEO, SRS Community Reuse Organization

Michael Butler Season 3 Episode 4

The longest serving Community Reuse Organization (CRO) leader in the Department of Energy complex has retired. He is Rick McLeod, president and CEO of the Savannah River Site Community Reuse Organization. Rick held the post for 15 years, nearly half of the CRO's existence. Since he took the job in 2008, Rick has worked with DOE and the community in two states to make sure community interests are addressed, new SRS missions are promoted, and the community has a unified voice in Washington. In this week's episode of the Gone Fission Nuclear Report, Rick looks back on the CRO's challenges and accomplishments and has some advice for his successor.

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