Why not meditate?

19. How to empower yourself and live the best life - Brenda Winkle

Masako Kozawa / Brenda Winkle Season 1 Episode 19

Self-care anyone? That term is overused everywhere, and yet, do you really know what that means to you on a day to day basis? How are you taking care of you physically, mentally, and emotionally? Do you have the proper knowledge and tools? An energy expert, an empowerment coach, and an Advanced ThetaHealing® Meditation Technique Practitioner, Brenda Winkle, shares practical action steps you can start implementing into your life today. Her overarching message is: You matter. It’s never selfish to choose you. When you choose you, you have so much more to give to other people in your life. Everything starts from you!

Resources discussed in this episode:

How to get in touch with Brenda:

Download "5 steps to start your meditation practice" for free today! https://www.subscribepage.com/5_steps_to_start_your_meditation_practice

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