Governance Loop

Ep. 001 - Truth be Told: Fact Checking in the 2019 Argentine Election

Episode 1

Today’s episode is part of our Seminar Series, in which we facilitate discussions on work conducted by teams of academic researchers and practitioners that relates to one of four thematic topics: 1) Crime Reduction & Police Accountability, 2) Climate Change Governance, 3) Displacement, Migration, & Integration, and 4) Democracy, Conflict, & Polarization.

This episode focuses on Democracy, Conflict, & Polarization, presenting a discussion with Tiago Ventura and Ernesto Calvo from the University of Maryland, as well as Olivia Sohr from Chequeado, an Argentinian non-profit independent media organization. Tiago, Ernesto, and Olivia recently worked together to run a survey experiment during the 2019 presidential election in Argentina. Their study tested circumstances under which voters would share corrections to political and health-related misinformation with fellow citizens. Cyrus Samii, EGAP’s Executive Director, moderates the conversation.