Wandering Tree ®, LLC Podcast

S2:E3 Late Discovery Adoptee A. Stanley

Adoptee Lisa Ann Season 2 Episode 3

Adoptee Lisa Ann and Ande Stanley of the blog and podcast -The Adoption Files - talk extensively about late discovery adoptees (LDA) and how hard it is to gain access to your personal information.

Here is a list of ways to connect with our guest.
Her blog at : \https://theadoptionfilescom.wordpress.com/
Her Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/adoptionfiles
Her Podcast:https:/ /open.spotify.com/show/68DXjPUypeImBmFZr9OOpo?si=9a5fee1cad6944d1

The Adoption Files 
-A place to talk about the emotional and physical challenges of processing our paperwork