Wandering Tree ®, LLC Podcast

S2:E6 Connecting with Emma Stevens - Author of The Gathering Place

Adoptee Lisa Ann Season 2 Episode 6

Wandering Tree welcomes Author Emma Stevens, The Gathering Place, to the show. 

In today's conversation with host Adoptee Lisa Ann, our guest touches on her multi-decade journey of search and reunion; even teasing a bit on the adventures and detective skills needed to find ourselves. Having read/listened to this book myself, I can share that it is a must for adoptees! Emma's writing style and narration pull you in from the very beginning and keeps you till the last word. We loved having her as part of the show and look forward to her return and updates in the future. 

From Emma Stevens:
Do you have a story to tell? I know you do. We all do. When I told mine in “The Gathering Place,” I was aware that it wasn’t going to be readily accepted by all. What is? The vulnerability it takes to tell your story is no joke. Here’s to us standing strong together.

The Gathering Place: An Adoptee's Story found on: Amazon.com

Learn more: https://www.amazon.com/.../ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp...


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IG: https://www.instagram.com/emmastevensthegatheringplace