Just Needs: parenting children with disabilities
Just Needs: parenting children with disabilities
Resources for children with disabilities: how to find them
Resources for children with disabilities: what are they, how do I find them? If you’ve found yourself overwhelmed with where to start in getting support for your child with disabilities or developmental delay this podcast episode is for you. Listen along as I break down the systems of services in this week’s episode.
Resources mentioned in this episode
My child was just diagnosed with a disability. Now what do I do? (Podcast)
My child has a new disability diagnosis. Now what? (Blog)
My child is behind on her milestones. Is she a late bloomer or is it a developmental delay?
What is Medicaid and how do I apply for a family member
What is a Federally Qualified Health Center
Federally Qualified Health Center locator tool
Different health insurance plans and how to apply
New to special education? Here’s what you need to know
IDEA - Special Education Terms & Acronyms: a glossary
IEP - Special Education Terms & Acronyms: a glossary
Accommodations - Special Education Terms & Acronyms: a glossary
Early Intervention
How do I help my child transition into school services when they turn 3?
EarlySteps in Louisiana
Find your state’s Early Intervention program
Office for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities (OCDD) - Louisiana
Department of Developmental Services (DDS) - Massachusetts
Parent Information and Training Center (PTIC)
The application process for getting SSI
Supplemental Security Income
Where to find Exceptional Lives