Crystal Lightworkers Podcast To Aid Spirituality and Wellbeing

Karma: Release Pledges, Cords and Contracts with Crystals (9)

March 20, 2022 Jackie Winters British Academy of Crystal Healing Season 1 Episode 9

Karma is a reaction to an energetic charge, a vibration, that you emit often without conscious realisation.

Pledges and vows,  throw away comments that create verbal contracts and emotional cords can be causing you to remain trapped in a karmic replay.

In this podcast I explain how it all works and how to use crystals to free yourself from subliminal programming or karma that you have either created for yourself or been subjected to from another.

I also mention how important it is to become more mindful of your words and the impact the vibration behind the words is having on yourself and others.

CRYSTALS: Use Sugilite or Purpurite to become enlighetned to any areas of your life where karma is in play. Then use an Obsidian Arrowhead and Pink Kunzite, to lovingly release and restore harmony and freedom. I think you will be amazed by the results.

If you would like us to supply you with the crystals we would be honoured to bless them and send them to you. Please email:

121 sessions. If you would like help and to book a 121 session :

COURSES  Maybe you would like to join us for a Beginners, Advanced or Internationally recognised  Qualified Therapists Course :

I am truly happy to be in service to you ....The rewards for the work we do with Crystals are Love, happiness, good health and wealth ....

And I am forever grateful xxxx 

British Academy of Crystal Healing: Leading the way in Vibrational Medicine
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