Crystal Lightworkers Podcast To Aid Spirituality and Wellbeing

Mental Attitudes & Emotional links to Body organs: Crystals to help 11

April 04, 2022 Jackie Winters British Academy of Crystal Healing Season 1 Episode 11

In this podcast I share my own healing journey with you through Chronic Asthma and an Abdominal Tumour.

The information has been formulated from my own personal experiences and has lots of insights on how the way we think and feel  affects each of the major organs within the body.

 Our organs have a physical, emotional and mental job to do... so for instance the stomach does not just digest the food we eat, it also digests the way we think and the spleen digests the way we feel. I share my journey through the 5 main emotions and the various thought patterns that trigger said emotions. 

I offer advice on crystals to help rectify these imbalances and return you and your loved ones to a harmonious, authentic resonance to enjoy good health, a happy life and control over your own wellbeing.

So many of us who have experienced dis ease get lost in the sea of fear that arises inside us and become dis empowered thereby placing  faith in the NHS and what others say  is right or wrong for us. The only person who truly knows you is you, so this podcast may offer help to those who are lost in dis ease or who feel out of control in any way with their mental health or emotional stability .... 

Sending love to all of you beautiful souls who may be experiencing any of this and offering reassurance that you can return to wellness in a kind, gentle manner.

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