The Leader Learner Podcast

S01E01 The Hunting and Farming Episode

February 07, 2022 Theresa Destrebecq & Vincent Musolino Season 1 Episode 1

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Check In Question:

  • If you only had 24 hours to live, what would you do? 

Big Ideas:

  • “Living is learning to die”
  • Having a “north star” that is worth dying for (a just cause)
  • Sinek’s belief that businesses are focusing on money, not on a cause.
  • How to transition or connect a non-“sexy” business to having a just cause?
  • Our “just cause” shouldn’t be tied to a service or product, so we can have “existential flex”
  • How do businesses measure success? Financial, Social, Ecological?
  • An infinite game isn’t about winning. The goal is to keep playing.
  • Winning and losing is short-term, fixed mindset.
  • Can you be competitive without winning? 
  • In the infinite game, the rules are consistently shifting.
  • The business shift toward business as a result of ideas from Milton Friedman
  • The shift in pay scales between employees and CEO’s over the last several decades
  • Reciprocity and giving it back
  • How we latch onto ideas and how ideas can change
  • Is making money the primary purpose of business, or the secondary?
  • Move people up the hierarchy of importance in business
  • Moving away from doing business for the shareholders, and focusing on the employees and their contributions
  • Imbalance in how we measure financial success with regard to employees and shareholders.
  • How to do capitalism different? Who defines capitalism? 
  • The constellation mindset rather than a pyramid mindset
  • A small amount of investment from a large amount of people can tip the scales
  • Thinking of our business as hunting (short term) or farming (longing)
  • People want to feel valued and a part of the journey
  • The importance of cultivating relationships as farmers


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