The Leader Learner Podcast

S02E07 The Leadership From The Back End Episode

Theresa Destrebecq & Vincent Musolino Season 2 Episode 7

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Check-In Question:

  • How do you define intelligence?

Big Ideas:

  • Is charismatic leadership over-rated? 
  • Likeability versus leadership. They aren't mutually exclusive.
  • Melencholic leaders are more affective
  • Power over (positional), versus power with (relational)
  • What emotions can be shown at work, and by whom?
  • Leadership struggles for Theresa come from trying to be the strong, even in the face of hard emotions
  • Sharing emotions can build trust
  • Holding down the balloon underwater isn't sustainable
  • Big life changes are okay at work, but the little stresses accumulate and can't always been shown, shared at work
  • Do leaders have to be likeable?
  • Does leadership matter for executives? Do we overvalue it?
  • How do you define leadership?
  • An executive is merely someone who makes decisions who affect the company
  • Leadership is about non-organizational skills, but people skills (not process, strategy, etc.)
  • Leadership is multifaceted
  • Leadership is defined by how you face adversity
  • Adversity sets leaders apart
  • Leaders because of who you are, and "leaders" who have a position/title only
  • Don't know our ability to lead until after a crisis happens
  • Testament to leadership - do you have other people's back and do they have yours?
  • Everybody can be a leader
  • Challenge to understand ourselves well enough to serve others
  • Leadership for ego, and leadership for change
  • Not here to only serve ourselves, we are here to serve people and solve problems through our businesses
  • How do you need to be a leader in the face of "evil" or "bad" people in the world?
  • How does culture influence who we want as a leader? 
  • Vulnerability isn't the only key to being a good leader
  • The importance of knowing who you are as part of any leadership program
  • Tell someone who/how to be, or allow people the chance to experience it themselves
  • Can't buy leadership on the shelf
  • Serving others from internal or external motivation
  • What are you serving others for?
  • Leadership comes from the backend of a crisis.
  • We can all look like great leaders when it's rosy


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