The Leader Learner Podcast
The Leader Learner podcast is for readers and leaders of all kinds.
Rather than talk to authors about the professional development books that they have written, the Leader Learner podcast spotlights readers and delves into their process the book(s) that have had an impact on them and their work.
This podcast is brought to you by Theresa Destrebecq, founder of Emerge Book Circles.
Join me as I discuss books, learning, and leadership with the guests.
Read Deeper Not Faster.
The Leader Learner Podcast
S03E06 The Mental Health Responsibility Episode
Theresa Destrebecq & Vincent Musolino
- If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change?
Big Ideas:
- Should organizations provide resources for employee mental health?
- Mental health is still a taboo topic for many, especially in organizations
- Not educated about topics of mental health
- Shame associated with an EAP program
- Culture of "suck it up," "be strong," and "pull up your bootstraps."
- Perception of being weak - the stigma of mental health issues
- Is there a right way to support people around mental health?
- Community-based program to support employee mental health - feeling not alone by sharing with others
- Trust advisors in Switzerland - listen and provide options, not therapy or coaching
- Complexity of situations
- Neurodivergent employees and mental health - are they in the same box?
- Leaving your personal life at the door doesn't work
- Compartmentalizing our lives doesn't work
- We are meant to be in community with others - we are not autonomous beings
- Is community more important than the product?
- Sitting with our emotions, rather than trying to push past them
- Personal responsibility - where am I participating?
- Yoga, nap rooms, etc support the symptoms, but not the cause
- Provide the relationship space for people
- Continuity of support - more than just a couple of days off
- People who can step off the work highway, and others who cannot
- Pressure on employees can't be fixed with nap pods
- The CEO who was fired for providing more for his employees, but not focusing enough on profit
- Not about finding fault
- Mental health is not linear
- YES/AND - both individual and organizational responsibility
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