Her Path to Purpose

Maria Stoyadinova: How to prevent and beat burnout

Rosanna Gill Season 1 Episode 8

Maria Stoyadinova was a burnt-out Economist searching for ways to reduce her stress so she could continue working. But on her journey to reducing stress, she realized how much of that burnout was caused by her own thoughts about herself and her worth.  She became so impassioned about what she learned that she started coaching other corporate women dealing with burnout.

In this episode, Maria shares how she overcame the stigma of working with a coach and not being able to ‘figure it out’ herself and reframed her belief that getting help was giving up.

She walks us through the process of doing a thought download to get to identify your thoughts, what feeling the thoughts are creating and what actions you take because of those feelings.

Maria talks about how she helps clients struggling with the belief they must rest perfectly, what to do when you find yourself procrastinating,  what you can do to help shift the culture of your workplace and so much more.

Check out Maria's website here and connect with her on Instagram @rest_over_grind.

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You can sign up for the waitlist for Rosanna's next live goal-setting workshop here.

You can see the video Rosanna created to show the difference between a regular hoodie and a Shop 7 Degree hoodie here

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