Social Slowdown: sustainable digital marketing for entrepreneurs

Challenge Day 1: Debrief Your 2022 Marketing

January 23, 2023 Meg Casebolt Episode 63
Social Slowdown: sustainable digital marketing for entrepreneurs
Challenge Day 1: Debrief Your 2022 Marketing
Show Notes Transcript

What do you need your marketing to do for you? What would a marketing victory look like?
Sample marketing objectives: 

  • Brand awareness
  • Lead generation: list building, inquiries/discover consults, cold sales, etc.
  • Lead qualification/sales
  • Decrease churn
  • Increase website traffic

Choose a primary and secondary marketing objective. For Love At First Search, these are ours: 

  • Primary: lead generation (measured in discovery calls for strategy sessions + sales for our group coaching program)
  • Secondary: Brand awareness (measured in branded search traffic and colder referrals) 

PROMPT: What worked in 2022 in your marketing to achieve these objectives?

  • Quantitative data (if you have it): Google Analytics
  • Qualitative data: 
    • Where did your last 5 clients come from? Not sure, go ask them. 
    • Shoot a quick broadcast to your email list to ask
    • Add a question on your intake form “how did you hear about …”
    • Ask on social media how people found out about you

PROMPT: How did you FEEL about your marketing tactics in 2022?

DIY Scorecard: 

Rate your 2022 marketing by 3 criteria: 

  1. Time/money invested on this strategy
  2. Effectiveness of this strategy (how well did it work to accomplish your objectives)
  3. Enjoyment of this strategy

Here's a starting list of different marketing strategies you may have used last year:

  • Social Media
    • Facebook
    • Instagram
    • LinkedIn
    • TikTok
  • Content marketing
    • Blogging
    • Podcasting 
    • YouTube
    • SEO 
  • Email marketing
    • Newsletters
    • Email automations
  • Paid advertising
    • Facebook/Instagram
    • Google ads 
  • Relationship marketing
    • Affiliate marketing
    • Collaborations
    • Guest expert trainings 
    • In person networking
    • Referral generation

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Hello there, friends, it's Meg Casebolt. And we are here for day one of the social slowdown challenge. Today we're going to be looking back, we're going to be looking at the historical data and feelings that we have from 2020, to around your marketing, and have a conversation about debriefing what worked and what didn't, and trying to determine what we need our marketing to do for us. So let's start there. Let's talk about what your objectives are in your marketing strategy. So basically, what I'm trying to get to here is like, what exactly do you need your marketing to do for you, this isn't I need to post five times a week, and I need to send a weekly email and I need to, you know, update my blog regularly. It's not any of those things. It's like, instead of thinking about the inputs that you're putting into it, I want you to think about the outputs, what it what would a marketing victory look like for you. So here, I want you to think about, maybe pick two things that you want to accomplish with your marketing. Here are some ideas that I came up with that you are welcome to use, or if you have others, definitely head over to our community, we can have a conversation about this, you can post in the group share what works for you, here are some ideas of what might be good marketing objectives for you. And then I'll share what love at first searches marketing objectives are. So maybe you want some brand awareness, you want people to know who you are, and what your business is. Maybe you are looking for more lead qualification and sales, like you actually want people to, to figure out whether or not they're a good fit for you. Maybe you have a membership, and you want to use your marketing to decrease churn that might also work for software companies. Maybe you want to increase your website traffic, which would be really great. If you're running some sort of display ads or AdWords, that you know, you need to have a lot of pageviews. So you want your marketing to to increase your RPMs for that. And for a lot of us, I know that a lot of people who are listening are service providers. And so for many of us, including my business, our primary objective is lead generation, it's having people not just find out who we are, but also reach out to us in some way and follow up with us and give us data that we can collect in order to be in touch with them. So if you're like yeah, lead generation, that's the one. I also want you to think about what that lead gen looks like. Do you want people to you know, have a discovery call or fill out your contact form? Do you want them to sign up for your email list? Do you want them to go straight to buying and cold sale? Right? Like what? What would it look like? What would a marketing victory look like for you? For us over at love at first search, our primary marketing objective is lead generation. And the way that we measure that is for our strategy sessions for our one to one work that we do with people. We measure that in discovery calls, we want to know how many people are reaching out to us to get more information about that hopping on a call with us requesting information via email, you know, that's our metric for performance. We also want to generate leads for our group coaching program attract and activate. And our metric for that is webinar signups and sales into the program, people who actually join and then we have other metrics later on for membership churn and all that. But for right now, for the purpose of this exercise, our primary objective is to get people to raise their hand and say, Yeah, I'm interested in working with you. And again, we're measuring that and discovery calls and membership. Joining. Our secondary objective is brand awareness. I have a goal of writing a book by the end of the year. So I know that I have to grow our audience and let people know more about love it first search and sort of get to know us as a brand. And so the two ways that we are measuring that is branded search traffic, we want more people to actually go search for terms like love it for search, like social slowdown that they have heard of us from somewhere else. And also referrals from cold traffic. So other people that we don't have relationships with saying, hey, go book a call with Meg, right? So there are a lot of ways that marketing can work for you. That may or may not involve social media. Instead of thinking about I want to grow my my Twitter by 20%, right, like, let's not look at the vanity metrics, let's think about what we need our marketing to actually accomplish for our business. So again, some of those objectives, I'm just gonna list them out. We'll also have a bullet list right in the show notes. So that way, you can look at it right in your browser, and we'll have it in our community. We'll have it in the prompts for the day, brand awareness, lead generation, which might be list building discovery calls, sales, lead qualification, so people being more qualified to come to you and you're going to close more sales that way, decreasing churn, increasing website traffic, there's a lot of different things that your marketing can do for you a lot of different outcomes that you can get from your marketing. So with that in mind, once you've sort of thought through, what does that marketing victory look like? What do I need my marketing to do? I want you to take a couple minutes. And you may want to do this alone, you can write down the prompts I'm about to give you or you can, you know, come over to our community and download I have a marketing scorecard that we created that will do some of these sums and formulas for you. Because y'all know I love a spreadsheet. I want you to just think about like, with those objectives in mind, what worked in your marketing in 2022. What helped you achieve victories in your marketing. So if your goal was to grow your email list, maybe there are collaboration bundles that you participated in, or live trainings that you were a part of, or list swaps, or you had really great lead magnets? What are some of those things that that helped you? You know, if it's brand awareness, was it getting on different podcasts? If it was decreasing, churn, maybe there are some membership outreach things that you did, right, what worked to help you with those objectives. And I don't want you to just think about the quantitative data. I mean, if you if you have it, if you want to go into your Google Analytics, if you want to take a look at your email marketing metrics, if you want to take a look at your social media analytics, go for it. Like that's really helpful information. But you may also want to do some digging for qualitative data. So, you know, go take a look at your intake form and figure out where those last five leads or qualified leads or clients, where did they come from? If you're not sure, go ask them. It's only five people, if it and also if it's a referral, definitely go to the person who sent you the referral and send them a thank you note or like a coffee gift card or something like that. Just appreciate the referrals when they come. If your goal was list building, maybe you want to just shoot a quick email to your email list and ask them, How did you hear about me? Where do you come from? If your goal is contact form submissions, maybe add an extra query to your contact form submission that says How did you hear about us? This is awesome for us, we have this on our contact form. And that way at a glance, we can see who's sending information, which podcast did they hear about us from. And we have that all in, you know, we use air table, sometimes we use click up. But we have that all in a place where we can look at it at a glance and see what's working in our marketing. Sometimes it's Instagram, you know, sometimes somebody tags us, and they find us that way. And if you do have a social media presence, this is a really great time to ask them, you know, put a poll up, if you have a Facebook group, do a poll, if you have Instagram, maybe do a poll in your stories, ask people how they found out about you. Because I think people sort of hang out in social media as a water cooler. But it's not always a discovery tool, it is often a nurturing tool. So if you want to grow in the next year, even if you're using social media, you may want to establish or you know, expand some of your marketing strategies that aren't just social media. But trying to grow your audience, whether it's on social or on email, or wherever it is, even off social media to grow your social media, that can be really helpful. And then my last prompt for you is, and hear me, you know, take off my business analyst hat and put on my yoga teacher hat. How did you feel about your marketing in 2022? This, to me is just as important as how effective it was. If you come over to our community, and you download the marketing scorecard, we created I actually created three columns. For every single one of the marketing tactics that I put in there. One is how did you feel about your time. The second column is, you know, scoring how effective these different marketing channels were in making sales and getting new clients. And the third column is how much you actually enjoy doing this. If you love tic tac, and you want to spend all your time on tic tac, and it's working for you, and it doesn't take that much time, then like by all means, spend all your day on tick tock, you know, but if you don't like it, if you resent it, even if it's really effective, there may be some alternatives or you may want to just figure out some boundaries around it so that way you can start to enjoy it more. This is an exploration of everything that we're doing. So, you know, why not spend some time thinking about those three finite resources, your time, your energy, and your money?

How much of this did you spend on your marketing this year? I'm going to list out for you and we We'll also put this in the show notes, the categories that I created in our scorecard. So you again, you can come over and get it from us or you can kind of create your own. Under our social media category, I wrote down Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and tick tock, if you're on another social media platform, you know, put that in there too. Under content marketing, I have blogging, podcasting, YouTubing, and SEO. For email marketing, I have strategies like writing a newsletter, or putting together some email, automations, and funnels. For paid advertising, you have social ads, like Facebook, and Instagram, and then also search ads like Google ads. And then the last category that I'd love to hear how it's working for you, and how much time you put in and how effective it is, and how much you enjoy it, is the relationship marketing options. So affiliate marketing, collaborations, guest expert trainings, networking, and maybe even in person networking, if people are going back to that, and then referrals. So that's 22. Well, I guess it's for five categories. So 17 ideas, again, we'll put this in the show notes, you can come get the get the spreadsheet from us if you want to. But really thinking about what worked, you know, give yourself a score from one to five in each of these categories and say How good did this feel? And then I'm going to leave you with a quote, well, actually two quotes, they're both from the book traction by Gino Wickman. And the first quote is, if you're not happy with the current state of your company, you have three choices. You can live with it, leave it or change it. And then the other quote, again, also from traction by Gina Whitman, is problems are like mushrooms, when it's dark and rainy, they multiply under bright lights, they diminish. So this is just like our prompts from last week from our last episode. This isn't a space to be judgmental, this isn't a space to say, Oh, I can't believe I spent that much money on Facebook ads, or, Oh, I just realized that I spent all this time on Pinterest. And it didn't actually lead to any sales like this isn't a space to be judgmental or to be critical about yourself. This is much more about evaluation, gathering data and trying to explore what you want to be doing what Well, that's actually what we're going to do tomorrow is what you want to be doing today, where today we're looking at what worked and how you felt. And then in tomorrow's episode will be a bit more visionary will start to think about now that we have this data and now that we've looked at what actually worked now that we looked at where we spent our time, our money, our energy, what do we want to do moving forward. So I will see you in the next episode to have that conversation. We'll put all of this information all these you know, prompts and ideas and categories into the show notes of this episode. And you can head over to social where we will be having a live conversations every day this week at noon, Eastern I think it's noon Eastern, like Eastern Darnit. But Go Go find out or you can just follow along with the prompts here in the podcast app and we will see you tomorrow for that conversation about what we want to do with this information. So talk to you then