Mental Obsession Discussion / Emotional Sobriety / Spiritual Malady


- We Know Jack.

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Emotional sobriety is the daily reprieve from induced insanity. The possibility to think wrong thoughts are right is constant - since we are free to choose what and how we think. Addiction’s promise suggests that the problem will one day be the absolute solution. This absolution never comes, since it is a lie; it is impossible. 

If all things possible are possible then thinking we shouldn’t be doing what we're doing, while doing what we’re doing, leads to more complications and confusion. Having things as they are is to have something that can be let go of.  When it comes to imagining wrong thoughts will one day be right the smashing blow is facing delusion as nothing more than what and how we think of it, now. We know what is right which is a guidance system to know what is wrong.  If we didn’t know better we wouldn’t suffer from thinking we don’t.   

All that happens, happens in the present. Now is where problems are manifest, effects are felt, and honest awareness dissolves delusion.  

The unholy trinity:

Obsessive thinking is a lie that we imagine:

1.  We have nothing to do with it, thus:
2. There is nothing we can do about it, and so:
3. We can do no more than excuse the same sorry, sick thoughts and subsequent misbehaviors. 

This model for mental addiction supposedly resurrects an idea otherwise dead that thoughts have a life of their own that can operate against us, intrude on us and can hold us hostage whenever we feel stuck in them. No so - think again. 

Lies only seem to exist in brains - specifically the brain of the thinker promoting and protecting any illusion(s) as reality by refining a story used as an excuse to defend against the impossibility of achieving the fairy tale whatsoever.  We can think we oppose Truth while Truth is the provider of though not a product of thought. While we are certainly free to think we can deny Truth and Reality our attempted opposition has no impact whatsoever on either - especially since they are the same - while our fractured mentality is impacted and broken down dramatically, further fracturing into smaller and smaller fractional states that are impossible to eliminate as long as we subdivide our thoughts hoping to escape. 

We Know We Know.
We Are Aware We Are Aware.
We Are as We Are.

Reality is unlimited and never changes. The idea that how and what we think creates reality suggests otherwise. Acting on backward thoughts leads to behaviors that are out of order. Anxious and systemic disorders reflect this impossible attempt to reverse the Laws of the universe that govern nature’s order. Disease is the lack of ease created and maintained by such twisted mental acrobatics.

Principles affirm our indivisible nature. Sharing principles affirms and confirms our indivisibility. We can choose desperation or Inspiration. Absolute Intelligence is our Knowing nature. Ignoring what is happening produces unintelligible ignorance - not reality.

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