One Step Closer - The Dean Team Podcasts

Episode 1 (Please Explain !)

Dean Season 1 Episode 1

In the very first Episode of "One Step Closer" we simply explain the significance of the name, who are The Dean Team and how you can be part of it and what you can expect these podcasts to be all about !

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Episode 1

(Please Explain)


In episode 1 of “One step closer” I explain the significance of the title, what is The Dean Team and what these podcasts will be all about

Main Content

The Dean Team was founded by a group of life long friends from Liberty Hill Christian Centre that got together to support me “the – dean – in the dean team” after finding myself struggling to cope 5 years after my Parkinson`s disease diagnosis.

I will recount my story in a later episode for those who havn`t heard it but for now, suffice to say, this team and it`s members, friends, family, therapists and many others who we now call community have brought me and many others with Parkinson`s “on step closer” to leaving Parkinson`s behind !

That`s really our goal in the end, to make a difference in the lives of people living with  this disease and many other diseases and ailments.

I had thought for many years that I hadn`t been quite hitting the mark in life, make no mistake, I was blessed, with a great family, good friends, everything I needed and practically everything I wanted. I had even talked about this with my wife one day in late 2012, about a month or so before Christmas when I said to her that what a great life we were leading with all the blessings that we had (that date was significant for those who know my story because it was only a month later that God decided to shake my tree and the first signs of Parkinson`s occurred, don`t misunderstand me now, I`m not Saying God gave me Parkinson`s, I`m just saying he has a way of stirring up the complacency that creeps into all our lives and forces us to re evaluate what is important to us)

Anyway, back to what I was saying,  I still thought there was something more out there for me and then I got the tap on the shoulder, Parkinson`s Disease !

After some time coming to terms with it and with a lot of help from the community around me, The Dean Team was born and it hasn`t looked back and I feel very fortunate and at times I feel like I am one of the lucky ones as strange as it may seem, I know Parkinson`s is incurable and degenerative but I don`t intend on it being either of those things in me, they say you don`t die of Parkinson`s, you die with Parkinson`s so with God`s guidance and The Dean Teams efforts we are definitely making a difference in peoples lives turning disabilities into the ability to help others and pass it on.

Since early 2020 we have raised awareness of Parkinson`s in the community, supported Parkinson`s NSW financially in their work, promoted exercise for those with illnesses and those without, completed a marathon, created a support community that is now reaching far and wide and thanked the Lord for giving us the opportunity to do this and spread the message of good Christian values through our commitment to Liberty Hill Christian Centre.

 Regular Segments

Chat Room

The Challenge

‘’Please Subscribe”

So I`m making a call out to all Dean Team members to subscribe  to this podcast, even if you have heard some of the stories before, which I`m sure you have, still subscribe and circulate this podcast to all you`re family and friends and ask  them to subscribe as well because word of  mouth is the best way I know to spread our message and If you aren’t a Dean Team member but these are things you are interested in please subscribe to this podcast to get regular updates and contact me through our website at ( and let me know you are listening and any topics you would like to hear.


Back to the Podcast

In the coming weeks I will re count the videos I have  put up online for those who haven`t seen them, answer questions from you, discuss some new topics, give my own Parkinson`s experiences and some funny stories, one on one interviews and much, much more !

So come along for the ride with us and don`t forget to subscribe because subscriptions mean the word is spreading !



My name is Dean Laws

This is The Dean Team

And just remember one thing !

"To beat Relentless, You have to be Relentless"