Jesus Is Lord Church Podcast
In these difficult times, we all the more need encouragement from God’s Word. The Jesus Is Lord Church Worldwide Podcast seeks to bring people closer to Jesus, whenever and wherever. With Biblical teachings, reflections, and insights from our pastors and preachers, you'll discover more of God, which will help you live meaningfully and purposefully. For more details about the JIL ministry, visit www.jilworldwide.org.
Jesus Is Lord Church Podcast
A Season of Great Harvest | Ptr. Noel Casimpoy
Ptr. Noel Casimpoy
Season 3
Episode 43
The greatest need of humanity is none other than God, and this message must reach more than half of the world's population. How can believers effectively respond to this vital mission? Please listen to this podcast episode as Ptr. Noel Casimpoy outlines three biblical and practical steps for intentional soul winning.