133. Investing in global brands and regional champions
FundCalibre - Investing on the go
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FundCalibre - Investing on the go
133. Investing in global brands and regional champions
May 20, 2021
Laura Bottega, managing director and lead portfolio specialist on the Morgan Stanley Global Brands fund, discusses the growth vs value conundrum, rising inflation and the benefits of scale. She highlights the companies that, during the pandemic, used the time to invest in their digital offerings, to expand e-commerce and social media and to advance the new trend of hyper-personalisation, and discusses potential future opportunities in ‘regional champions’.

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Please remember, we’ve been discussing individual companies to bring investing to life for you. It’s not a recommendation to buy or sell. The fund may or may not still hold these companies at the time of listening. Elite Ratings are based on FundCalibre’s research methodology and are the opinion of FundCalibre’s research team only.