11. An investment that keeps your shirt clean and beaches plastic-free
FundCalibre - Investing on the go
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FundCalibre - Investing on the go
11. An investment that keeps your shirt clean and beaches plastic-free
Jul 04, 2019
From the beauty of Hawaii to the less glamorous Bismark, North Dakota (known mainly for the film Fargo and lots of snow), Mark Sherlock talks to us about his travels in America, Tropicana packaging, Transport for London's Oyster card payment system and how a company he owns is starting to tackle the problem of bottle tops and other plastics on our beaches and in our oceans.

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Please remember, we’ve been discussing individual companies to bring investing to life for you. It’s not a recommendation to buy or sell. The fund may or may not still hold these companies at the time of listening. Elite Ratings are based on FundCalibre’s research methodology and are the opinion of FundCalibre’s research team only.