It has become a topic of contention and debate over the past century. What translation of the Bible do you use? Is the King James the only translation worthy of your personal reading and study? What do we do with all of these other English translations out there? How do we deal with the often unkind treatment brought by those who contend for King James Onlyism? Mark Ward, Author and YouTuber, has written a book and dedicated a YouTube channel to addressing these issues. In this Interview, Sean and Patke talk with Mark on how to speak with grace and truth to those connected with this movement. Listen in and be blessed.
Check out Mark Ward on YouTube Here:
Check out Mark's book "Authorized: The Uses and Misuses of the King James Bible" Here:
It has become a topic of contention and debate over the past century. What translation of the Bible do you use? Is the King James the only translation worthy of your personal reading and study? What do we do with all of these other English translations out there? How do we deal with the often unkind treatment brought by those who contend for King James Onlyism? Mark Ward, Author and YouTuber, has written a book and dedicated a YouTube channel to addressing these issues. In this Interview, Sean and Patke talk with Mark on how to speak with grace and truth to those connected with this movement. Listen in and be blessed.
Check out Mark Ward on YouTube Here:
Check out Mark's book "Authorized: The Uses and Misuses of the King James Bible" Here: