The Ocean Optimism Podcast

How One Business is Prioritizing Sustainability with Ini Ghidirmic and Doriane Zalewski

September 15, 2023 Ellen Spooner Season 2 Episode 4
How One Business is Prioritizing Sustainability with Ini Ghidirmic and Doriane Zalewski
The Ocean Optimism Podcast
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The Ocean Optimism Podcast
How One Business is Prioritizing Sustainability with Ini Ghidirmic and Doriane Zalewski
Sep 15, 2023 Season 2 Episode 4
Ellen Spooner

In today's unique episode, we are excited to engage with voices from the corporate world, advocating for sustainability. We sit down with two leaders from a company not only dedicated to sustainability but also one that sponsors our very own Ocean Optimism podcast. We want to delve deep into their sustainable endeavors and understand what fuels their eco-conscious passion.

We're joined by:

  • Ini Ghidirmic, the Director of Pacific Capital Partners and FMR Brands. Connect with Ini on LinkedIn
  • Doriane Zalewski, the Marketing Director of Pacific Capital Partners and FMR Brands. Get to know more about Doriane on LinkedIn

Together, they are championing the cause of sustainability and propelling innovative solutions for ocean conservation. Although we often speak with scientists and conservationists, engaging with private industries is crucial. Businesses like theirs have the potential to bring about monumental environmental impacts, and both Ini and Doriane are pivotal in driving this change.

FMR Brands, in particular, stands out with its determined approach to combat plastic pollution. Their rehydration drink, Refix, exemplifies this commitment, being bottled in glass containers, among their many other sustainable initiatives.

In our conversation, we explore the motivations behind FMR Brand's green choices, the challenges they navigate, and the opportunities they grasp. The significance of businesses choosing sustainability, even when faced with higher initial costs, and how they can be a beacon for others will also be discussed.

Join us in this enlightening discussion with Ini Ghidirmic and Doriane Zalewski. Together, let's unveil the potential of businesses like FMR Brands in pioneering a brighter, sustainable future for our oceans.

Stay Connected: For more ocean conservation success stories and updates on upcoming episodes, follow us on Instagram and Twitter @oceanoptimism and TikTok @ellensoceaninspiration.

Support Us: If you're enjoying the Ocean Optimism podcast, kindly rate and subscribe on your favorite platform. Your support amplifies the Ocean Optimism message and motivates others to contribute towards safeguarding our oceans.

Special Thanks: This episode is brought to you by Refix, a brand echoing the values of sustainability and health. We deeply appreciate their role in nurturing a culture dedicated to ocean conservation and sustainability.

Show Notes

In today's unique episode, we are excited to engage with voices from the corporate world, advocating for sustainability. We sit down with two leaders from a company not only dedicated to sustainability but also one that sponsors our very own Ocean Optimism podcast. We want to delve deep into their sustainable endeavors and understand what fuels their eco-conscious passion.

We're joined by:

  • Ini Ghidirmic, the Director of Pacific Capital Partners and FMR Brands. Connect with Ini on LinkedIn
  • Doriane Zalewski, the Marketing Director of Pacific Capital Partners and FMR Brands. Get to know more about Doriane on LinkedIn

Together, they are championing the cause of sustainability and propelling innovative solutions for ocean conservation. Although we often speak with scientists and conservationists, engaging with private industries is crucial. Businesses like theirs have the potential to bring about monumental environmental impacts, and both Ini and Doriane are pivotal in driving this change.

FMR Brands, in particular, stands out with its determined approach to combat plastic pollution. Their rehydration drink, Refix, exemplifies this commitment, being bottled in glass containers, among their many other sustainable initiatives.

In our conversation, we explore the motivations behind FMR Brand's green choices, the challenges they navigate, and the opportunities they grasp. The significance of businesses choosing sustainability, even when faced with higher initial costs, and how they can be a beacon for others will also be discussed.

Join us in this enlightening discussion with Ini Ghidirmic and Doriane Zalewski. Together, let's unveil the potential of businesses like FMR Brands in pioneering a brighter, sustainable future for our oceans.

Stay Connected: For more ocean conservation success stories and updates on upcoming episodes, follow us on Instagram and Twitter @oceanoptimism and TikTok @ellensoceaninspiration.

Support Us: If you're enjoying the Ocean Optimism podcast, kindly rate and subscribe on your favorite platform. Your support amplifies the Ocean Optimism message and motivates others to contribute towards safeguarding our oceans.

Special Thanks: This episode is brought to you by Refix, a brand echoing the values of sustainability and health. We deeply appreciate their role in nurturing a culture dedicated to ocean conservation and sustainability.