Lament & Hope: Prayers & Teaching for Justice and Peace


February 22, 2022 Jon Swales

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Words and Voice: Swales

Dramatic Apocalyptic Music ♪♬ - The Wasteland (Copyright and Royalty Free)

Apocalypse: Prayers for the Climate and Ecological Emergency (Draft)


Father of Creation,

To the one who sits on the throne,

The climate curtain has been drawn back,

And we see things as they really are.

An apocalypse,

An unveiling,

That reveals our existential threat.

Lord have mercy,

Christ have mercy.

Narratives of empire,

Announce news  of endless growth

Whilst propaganda politics


denies & 


As mainstream media, 

entertains &


The masses who march to the beat,

Towards the edge of the ecological abyss. 

Lord have mercy,

Christ have mercy.


Father of Creation,

To the one who was , and is,  and will be.

At the centre stands the butchered lamb,

He is the centre of the cosmos

We take our place alongside non-human worshippers.


Praise, Glory and Honour..

We are not the centre,

The world does not revolve around us.

We are not on the throne,

To you, and your Son,

Be all praise, glory and honour.

Violent Power is not the centre,

That place is taken by the butchered lamb.

Violent Power is not the centre,

That place is taken by self giving sacrificial love.

Father of Creation,

God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ

We march to the beat of a different drum.

Instead of a lust for power,

We love.

Instead of despair

We hope.

Instead of lies,

We speak truth.

We pledge allegiance to the butchered lamb,

To him be all praise, glory and honour.


Father of Creation,

God of Justice,

The horseman of the apocalypse

Are at the gates. 

The Alarm has gone off,

The neighbours are awake.

Lord have mercy.

Father of Creation


Sword &

Pestilence .

Have been welcomed in.

We reap what we have sown.

As our addiction to fossil fuels 

Sets your world

On fire

As our addiction to fossil fuels

Sets our home

On fire

We reap what we sow,

We sow what we desire,

We become what we desire.

If we sow to the wind of unrestrained capitalism,

We will reap a whirlwind.

If we sow to love

We reap a justice shaped harvest.

Lord have mercy,

Christ have mercy.


Father of Creation,

God of Compassion,

Strange beasts stalk the land,

And we dare to name them,

Unrestrained Capitalism, yours days are numbered 

Consumerism, your days are numbered 

Individualism  , your days are numbered 

You offer life,

Yet you bring death.

You promise hope.

Yet you bring despair.

You offer joy,

Yet you bring grief.

Your days are numbered.

Unrestrained Capitalism, your days are numbered. 

Consumerism, your days are numbered.

Individualism  , your days are numbered.


Father of Creation,

God of Justice,

You offer a 

fresh story and stir imaginations,


We march to the beat of a different drum.

Hope is on the horizon,

Hope is in our hearts,

Hope has a name,

And we pledge allegiance to your Son.

Father of Creation,

God of Justice,

In your new creation,

Every Tear is wiped away,

Death will be no more,

There is a tree for the healing of the nations.

Hope is on the horizon

Hope is in our hearts,

Hope has a name.

And we pledge allegiance to your Son.

Swales, 2022