Lament & Hope: Prayers & Teaching for Justice and Peace

A Prayer for Peace: Ukraine and the Healing of the Nations

Jon Swales

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A Prayer for Peace: Ukraine and the Healing of the Nations
Words: Jon Swales
Music: Used with Permission, Chris Sayburn 'Distance'

Father God,

God of Compassion,

In your kingdom there is a tree,

For the healing of the nations.

In your kingdom, 

Tears will be turned to joy,

Swords into ploughshares 

And war will be no more.

Let your kingdom come,

Your will be done.

In Ukraine as it is in heaven.

Father of Creation,

God of compassion,

The unthinkable has happened,

As tanks roll into market squares.

Threatening not only the lives of defiant Ukrainians but also the well being and future of every European citizen.

Lord have mercy,

Christ have mercy.

Blessed are the peacemakers.

Let your kingdom come,

Your will be done.

In Ukraine as it is in heaven.

Father of Creation, 

Is heaven silent?

Are you asleep?

Do you care? 

We have asked that you step in and save and rescue,

And put an end to war. 

Yet, Our prayers remain unanswered, 

The tanks roll on and on.

Yet, our prayers remain unanswered, 

As children are both scared and scarred 

Yet, our  prayers remain unanswered,

As the death toll rises

Father of Creation,

God of compassion,

With our questions we look again to your kingdom,

And plead that heavens resources,

Would be poured out.

And beg that heavens angelic hosts

Would be deployed.

In darkness,

Let there be light,

In hopelessness ,

Let there be hope,

In a world at war,

Let there be peace . 

Lord have mercy

Christ have mercy

Blessed are the peacemakers

Let your kingdom come

Your will be done.

In Ukraine as it is in heaven.

Father of Creation,

God and Father of out Lord Jesus Christ,

In your Son,

You have shown clearly and decisively,

That violence will not have the last word,

That love itself will win.

We ask that this hope,

Would not simply be a future dream,

But that it would break into the present,

And be tasted and enacted in the here and now,

That this war would cease. 

Lord have mercy

Christ have mercy

Blessed are the peacemakers

Let your kingdom come

Your will be done.

In Ukraine as it is in heaven

Father God,

God of Compassion,

In your kingdom there is a tree,

For the healing of the nations.

In your kingdom, 

Tears will be turned to joy,

And swords into ploughshares 

And war will be no more.
