Lament & Hope: Prayers & Teaching for Justice and Peace

A Prayer for Kyiv: Heaven's Sabotage

March 03, 2022 Jon Swales

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Words and Voice: Jon Swales
Piano: Alice Brencher.

A Prayer for Peace: Heaven’s Sabotage (Draft)

Father of Creation,

God of the Nations,

We cry out to you,

A litany of lament,

A heart song of sadness 

As we witness war &

The death and destruction it brings.

Father of Creation,

God of Hope,

We cry out to you,

With sad souls and heavy hearts

As we witness Putin and the beast of violence,

Enacting catastrophe and embracing carnage.

Lord have mercy,

Christ have mercy. 

What have we become? 

What have we done?

As women prepare molotovs,

Children hide in basements,

As tear stained cheeks wave goodbye,

Whilst Homes and hearts and humans are hounded by an embodied evil.

Lord have mercy,

Christ have mercy.

We have stood by as 

the masters of war,

Amassed armaments and armies,

Weapons of woe,

Deigned to main, kill and destroy

Lord have mercy 

Christ have mercy

And so we pray for the city Kyiv,

And plead and beg for mercy,

Draw close to those who hear things that should not be heard,

Comfort and enfold them in your love.

Draw close to those who witness things that should never be witnessed,

Comfort and enfold them in your love.

Draw close to those who face a pain that should never be faced,

Comfort and enfold them in your love

And so we pray for cessation of war and the end to all  hostility.

We plead and beg for peace. 

That  heavens sabotage would still the sound of tanks and bombs

That heavens sabotage would silence the drums of war and carnage

That heavens sabotage would confuse those with intent to take the lives of innocents

Lord have mercy,

Christ have mercy.

We conspire with compassion

To a revolution called love

In which justice is embodied

And war will be no more

God, our refuge and strength,

bring near the day when wars shall cease and poverty and pain shall end,

that earth may know the peace of heaven through Jesus Christ our Lord.