Lament & Hope: Prayers & Teaching for Justice and Peace

A Prayer for Peace in Europe: Mercy & Grace

Jon Swales

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Words and Voice: Rev'd Jon Swales
Music. Classical Sad Piano [No Copyright Sound] [FREE USE MUSIC] - Scott Buckley - Undertow (320 kbps).mp3

Father of Creation,

The Covenant God who spoke of blessing to the nations,

We weep anxious tears,

Not only for Ukraine,

But also with a forboding fear,

Of what may be.

Lord have mercy,

Christ have mercy. 

Father of Creation,

God and Father  of our Lord Jesus Christ,

Within the storm of war,

We long to hear afresh the words of your Son, saying

‘Do not be afraid’

We long to hear the the words of your Son, saying 

 ‘Be still, The War is over,

Lord have mercy,

Christ have mercy.

And so we pray,

For Russian soldiers to lay down their swords,

For Tanks fueled by violent intent to stop in their tracks,

For missiles and bomb to fail to detonate

Lord have mercy,

Christ have mercy.

We conspire with compassion,

And hope against hope,

For the cessation of violence, &

The flourishing of peace. 

Lord have mercy,

Christ have mercy.

And so we pray,

For the hurt and the wounded,

The scared and the brave,

For Ukraine and Russia.

For mercy and grace.

And so we pray,

For world leaders,

Those fleeing for their lives,

Those moving at the command of the violent warmongers,

For mercy and grace. 

We conspire with compassion,

And hope against hope,

For the cessation of violence, &

The flourishing of peace. 

Lord have mercy,

Christ have mercy

And so we pray against nuclear threats,

Against the trigger of terror,

And the the barbarity of man.

Lord have mercy

Christ have mercy

Father of Creation,

God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,

Your Son said to ‘love our enemies’

And lived and loved with self giving sacrificial love,

May we too, whatever the cost,

Be those who are blessed for making peace.

God, our refuge and strength,

bring near the day when wars shall cease and poverty and pain shall end,

that earth may know the peace of heaven through Jesus Christ our Lord
