Lament & Hope: Prayers & Teaching for Justice and Peace

A Prayer for Peace & the Downfall of Despots

Jon Swales

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Words and Vocie: Jon Swales
Music: Juan Sanchez Blue Nights

Father of Creation,

God of Justice,

As bombs fall,

Our hearts break,

Lord have mercy. 

As tanks advance,

Our souls are sad,

Christ have mercy. 

You have placed upon humanity 

the possibility and potential

 to move towards love and justice,

Yet, at Putin's command,

Carnage & 

Catastrophe have been unleashed. 

Mariupol suffers,

Lord have mercy.

Innocents die,

Christ have mercy.

And so we pray for the downfall,

Of despots and dictators,

Cast down the mighty from their thrones.

And so we pray for the economic ruin,

Of the masters of war and machinations of evil

Cast down the mighty from their thrones.

Let your divine favour,

Rest upon those,

Who work and move for peace,

Let your divine favour,

Rest upon those,

Who work and move for justice.

Father of Creation,

God of Justice,

We pray for the cessation of war,

And the flourishing of peace.
