Lament & Hope: Prayers & Teaching for Justice and Peace

The Ancient Story Act II Fall

Jon Swales

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Words and Voice: Jon Swales
Music: Used with permission Chris Sayburn

The Ancient Story- Act I (Draft) 

Long ago, 

Many years before the Anthropocene, 

Long before the wars of empire and spiral of ecological ruin

the Spirit of the Great King hovered over the waters of the deep. 

All was silent for the earth was formless and void. 

And love spoke into the darkness

And there was light.  

And life came into being. 

Over six days the great King 

created other than himself.

Forming and filling,

Blessing the beautiful,

Physicality bathed in holiness. 

A cosmic canvas,

A glorious tapestry,

A rich symphony,

And he declared it to be good. 

On the sixth day the Great King  

dignified the dust, 

soil became sanctified.

A human being, 

A living soul.

A living , 

breathing, animate

image of the invisible.

Imago Dei

Image of God.

Receive a holy calling,

To tend and keep,

Guard and Protect.

Imago Dei,

Image of God.

Receive a Holy calling

To enact and embrace the reign and rule of the great King,

To serve as Priests of the High King of Heaven. 

On the Seventh day the great King Rested,

For his work was done,

He had a place to dwell.

A place of presence and proximity,

A Cosmic Temple.

And the Great King declared it to be very good,

And it is very  good.

For it is his home,

It is our home.

To him be all praise and glory.

The Ancient Story: Act II (Draft)

Long ago, 

Many years before we were seduced by the beast of unrestrained capitalism

Our ancestors,

Full of possibility and potential,

Betrayed their calling to tend and keep.

Deceived by Lies and the lust for Power

 the beautiful became broken,

 the glorious rebellious 

the blessed cursed 

And humanity began its long walk as homesick exiles East of Eden. 

We built Babel,

But this did not satisfy 

And we opened the door to sin.

It has overwhelmed us.

Lord have mercy,

Christ have mercy.

Yet the Great King 

Full of great love,

Did not forsake his Cosmic Temple

Nor did he forget his plan for humanity to

take up its calling to 

tend and keep,

to be faithful and fruitful.

As image-bearing  Priest Kings.

Love spoke,

Hope sang,

And the Great King 

Embarked on a rescue mission

to liberate his cosmic temple.

To him be all praise and glory.