Artwork for So Weird Was SO GOOD!

So Weird Was SO GOOD!

Hannah Werme, Chelsea Gabzdyl, and Friends

Season 2: So Weird is a late 90s Disney Channel show that deserves to be looked back upon with love, and that's what we are going to do. Join us as we re-watch the masterpiece to give it the respect it deserves. Go watch it on Disney+ right now and make your life a thousand times better. ---------- Season 1: A podcast that looks back at Animorphs to say "I love you, but WTF?" Topics include childhood trauma, genocide, disability rights, veterans affairs, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, JK Rowling slander, K. A. Applegate love, and incredibly sad birds. FULL SERIES SPOILERS IN MOST EPISODES, IF YOU AREN'T DONE READING PLEASE DON'T HURT YOURSELF.

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