Meditation and Beyond

You Will Know I AM That

Elliott S. Dacher, M.D. Season 1 Episode 12

To create a world of inner and outer sanity, a world free of the limitations and consequences of the mentally fabricated personal self, we must return home to our true self. In the words of the poet Derek Walcott:

 “The time will come when, with elation you will greet yourself arriving at your own door, in your own mirror. And each will smile at the other's welcome, and say sit here, eat. You will love again the stranger who was yourself.”

Although obscured by the ramblings and diversions of our ordinary mind, our natural essence is ever present. When the clouds of mental activity cease there it is, revealed as it has always been. We return home to who and what we have always been, a homecoming – our full human possibilities. You will know, I AM That.

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                                                          I Am You

The following is spoken from your heart essence. 

I am your natural state of being. That is where you will find me. I am beyond your ordinary sense of self. I am the infinite and wholly perfected expanse of your existence. I am with you always. I have never forsaken you and never 

willI.t is you who have forsaken me. It is you that has forgotten who you are. You look outside for the fullness of life that is always within you. When you realize the truth of your being in its nobility and splendor, you will have no need for external remedies or reminders. 

I am not an approach. I am awareness and presence— uncontained and unconditioned existence itself. In me, all is one, all is whole, all is healthy, and all is healed. In me, there is no suffering or non-suffering, disease or non-dis- ease, birth, death, or time. There is naked existence in its vast spaciousness, awareness, wholeness, and ease. I am health and healing. I am the truth of who you are. 

I am speaking to you from a higher awareness. I am using words to describe your natural state. Yet, if you are listening from your mental experience, you cannot know me. You cannot know the distinction between serenity and relaxation, true happiness and transient pleasure, natural wisdom and learned knowledge. You cannot know the supreme state of well-being that endures untouched by outer experience. 

The path to me is not through your mind but through your higher self and open heart. When you find me, you will no longer search, as your search will be complete and perfected in me. You will live in the natural and unshak- able harmony of being. 

I do not exist in time. Only the conceptual mind exists in time. For me, there is no past, present, or future. I exist before your mental life, before your conceptual life, before time. I am with you right here and right now. Stop for a moment and recognize me. 

If you recognize me as your eternal essence, I will be present for you as a constant companion throughout the adversities of life. My qualities of peace, wisdom, hap- piness, wholeness, love, and compassion will similarly remain with you. The fullness of life will never leave you. 

Disease, aging, and death, as seen from the spiritual realm, are part of the seamless transformation of life’s forms. From this transcendent vista, there is neither birth nor death, beginning nor end. There is only the ongo- ing creation and re-creation of the miracle of existence. When your illusion-like ideas are replaced by ultimate wisdom, you will discover the enduring and perfected health—human flourishing—that is always present. 

Haven’t you seen an individual who lives through the adversities of life continuously sustained by my presence? Haven’t you seen the transition through aging, disease, and death accomplished with peace, grace, and insight? Surely you have seen the opposite. Surely you have seen great despair in many. What is the difference? When you recognize and live in your timeless essence, you will know and live the uninterrupted serenity and joy of the fullness of life. 

Although you have many theories and practices, some called conventional and others alternative, they are all limited in scope. They are limited from the beginning, as they place their allegiance in partial understandings and fail to see me as the source of an all-encompassing, boundless health and well-being. 

I am perfected health. I am as vast and spacious as the sky. I am a circle without a center or circumference. I have no boundaries. I am the expanse of pure awareness that is your being. I am immeasurable. I am who you are. Once you return home to the essence of your being, you will know me as your spacious mind and vast heart. You will immediately realize that I cannot be measured. Health befitting a human is immeasurable. Only matter is measurable. 

I am not outside of you. I am within. My qualities are not temporary. You do not have to hold me tightly for fear of losing me. I am like a shadow; I cannot be lost. I am abundant, ever renewing, and everpresent. 

For you, true health is a possibility for another time. Yet you are always near and dear to me. I am not a god. I am your unrecognized essence. Give health another mean- ing. Give health the name of harmony, peace, abundant and enduring happiness, wholeness, love, and compassion. Then you will recognize what is already and has always been at the center of your being. And this natural state of perfected health, beyond words and understanding, will transform your ordinary, imbalanced body and chattering mind into a perfected instrument of my divine presence. 

You’ve known me through the longing of your soul, your courageous and relentless striving for a larger life.  Come home to me now. Come home to perfected health now. Come home and rest in ease in your innate and indi- visible wholeness that heals all. Nothing need be given up. It is all there. Your being is perfected wholeness. 

I Am You.