Meditation and Beyond

Ultimate Creativity

October 26, 2022 Elliott S. Dacher, M.D. Season 1 Episode 15

Thank you for joining me again. Today we will discuss the two aspects of creativity: ordinary creativity and ultimate creativity. We will then share a practice that expands our discussion.

Most creativity has its origins in our day-to-day ego structure. We draw upon our past experience, capacities, and skills to formulate a "creative" project. This project may have previously untouched  aspects and qualities. But, it is by its nature a re-organizing and re-shaping of our existing knowledge and experiences. It is creative in an ordinary sense, but it does not touch the full possibility.

Ultimate creativity has its origins in the still mind that is free, for the moment, from the usual self and its conditioning past experiences. The mental stillness and corresponding full awareness opens us to the full possibilities of the human experience. Out of this vast field of being there can appear spontaneously and in complete form the pure unconditioned creative idea. This creative genius is available to each of us.

Join us for this exploration.

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