Meditation and Beyond

Loss Without Suffering

Elliott S. Dacher, M.D. Season 1 Episode 13

It is certain that each of us will experience loss. It may come in one of many forms - loss of a loved one, loss of mental or physical capacities, loss of material possessions, or future possibilities. Significant loss often heralds a time of sadness, emotional pain, or perhaps a sense of hopelessness or despair. It can be an inconsolable time.

Loss is real. Fear, despair, anxiety, and depression are mental experiences superimposed onto loss. Therefore they vary person-to-person. They are reactions to loss. If we can learn to separate our mental add-ons from the experience of loss itself, relax and ease into loss, experience it in our heart, let go of our efforts to control life, and stop resisting what is unalterable, we may discover the possibility of fully experiencing loss without suffering.

Join me in this discussion and meditation.

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