The Gut Check: Nutrition and Gut Health for Recreational Athletes

Covid: FDA, Testing, Root Causes, and Long-Haul Syndrome Research in 2021

February 07, 2022 Kate Cline, Dietitian and Gut Health Specialist Episode 11

This was actually a conversation recorded in March of 2021, but so much of the science is still relevant, so I wanted to get it formally turned into a Gut Check podcast episode. There are visuals and screen shots shared on my website. Links below.

Thoughts on Covid root cause, and Long Hauler research and theories. 

In this episode, Andee and I discuss:

  • Some of the numerous ways Coronavirus manifests in different people
  • Some of the potential underlying ways the virus is targeting such a wide variety of organs and body systems
  • Improvements in testing and false negatives
  • Then we wind down to show what some research is shedding light on, regarding long haul syndrome, and what theories we have about potential mitigation strategies you can look in to, to try support your body’s natural balance and health and ease symptoms.

A general disclaimer that has to come with ALL covid talks… no one can guarantee a cure right now, technically due to the newness of Covid-10, and legally due to semantics rules. That word, cure, or treat, are only legally allowed to be used by physicians, regardless of if other medical professionals can address a disease. 

Do be careful of empty promises, and obviously there’s TONS of controversy out there about this; but also be aware that there may be genuine help out there using different terminology because our hands (and mouths) are sometimes tied.



Baig, Abdul Mannan. “Deleterious Outcomes in Long-Hauler COVID-19: The Effects of SARS-CoV-2 on the CNS in Chronic COVID Syndrome.” ACS chemical neuroscience vol. 11,24 (2020): 4017-4020. doi:10.1021/acschemneuro.0c00725 (link:


Short, Kirsty R et al. “Back to the Future: Lessons Learned From the 1918 Influenza Pandemic.” Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology vol. 8 343. 8 Oct. 2018, doi:10.3389/fcimb.2018.00343 (link:

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