The Gut Check: Nutrition and Gut Health for Recreational Athletes

Foot Health and Knee Pain for Runners, with Physical Therapist and Running Coach Brianne Showman

Kate Cline, Dietitian and Gut Health Specialist Season 1 Episode 16

Healthy joints start from the inside out, and the foot up!
I met Brianne online – we both have a love for fitness, obstacle course racing, and figuring out root causes to pain and health issues. She was overcoming an injury at the time, and her philosophy of health was really a parallel to mine and the way functional nutrition approaches health. Getting down to the foundations and root cause, and fixing rather than masking. Brianne is a physical therapist, movement specialist, running technique specialist, and barefoot training specialist. Her primary role now is coaching runners and obstacle course racers to help them break out of their injury cycles so they can train and race at their highest level. 
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