The Gut Check: Nutrition and Gut Health for Recreational Athletes

Real Talk with a Pharmacist - What Your Doctor Didn't Tell You About Your Medications

Episode 21

A lot of people are starting to understand that antibiotics can screw up your gut microbiome, but did you know there are other medications that are detrimental to your digestive system as well? Or that over half of the people on a PPI acid reducer are being taken without appropriate need? And if you are, you shouldn’t be on it for more than 8 weeks max? 

In an older episode, I shared about the risks behind treating supplements like candy. Medications are no different – and come with even more risks! But we have become a society that doesn’t balk at the massive side effect lists on even the most benign-seeming prescription drug. We have normalized the idea of “prescribing cascades” and the vicious cycle it creates; and this is a topic that is critical to look at, because  70% of adults are on a prescription medication. 

Licensed Pharmacist Victoria Shea Swick has an open and candid discussion with us today about the good, bad, and ugly in the medication world. Medications have their place, but should be used mindfully. You should be empowered to understand what you are putting in your body, and what limitations doctors sometimes have on their ability to take time to fully vet multiple medications if you are seeing multiple specialists.

We discuss:

  • Drugs that can negatively impact gut health, flora, and nutrient status
  • Long-term problems with chronic PPI use 
  • The differences in brand name vs generic products 
  • Gluten and corn as fillers in tablet vs capsule
  • How much attention people need to pay to those extensive “possible side effects” lists with medications
  • Taking medications to offset side effects from other medications, which are for other medications. polypharmacy and the prescription cascade
  • The new push for “de-prescribing”
  • Medications that can inhibit weight goals
  • How pharmacists can help you understand your medications and options
  • The common medication athletes use that can cause GI damage

Pharmacists are an under-utilized resource, and I encourage you to reach out to yours, or to Shea, for guidance, especially if you are taking multiple medications or worried about potential side effects of polypharmacy issues!

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