The Gut Check: Nutrition and Gut Health for Recreational Athletes

Depression & Anxiety: some surprising roles of food, gut health, and lifestyle

Episode 4

(Note, there are some visuals in this video, so swing over to to see the visuals or watch the video). 

Depression is a web of cause and effect, internal and external factors.

In this Gut Check Episode 4, Andee and I hit an overview of things we can do from various perspectives: mindset and self talk, nutrients and foods, movement and posture, breathing, sleep, singing and more.

We talk about why Gratitude lists can backfire, and why you don’t have to just ACCEPT your health or energy.

My path through depression and suicidal thoughts lasted for years, and it was a FIGHT. But I made it through, and am constantly striving to live my best life, intentionally, every day, using all the tools available to set my body up for things to work right, chemically and hormonally.


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