Homeschooling an American President: The Making of Theodore Roosevelt
Exploring History
Exploring History
Homeschooling an American President: The Making of Theodore Roosevelt
May 24, 2022
Ray Notgrass

Do you wonder if homeschooled children can succeed? Two parents who homeschooled their four lively children prove that they can succeed. They can even soar. One of them might even become president of the United States.

Theodore Roosevelt Sr. and his wife, Martha, made a conscious decision to homeschool their children in the middle of the 19th century. They faced issues that parents face today. They cared deeply about their children’s spiritual lives. They were afraid that public school would be a negative influence on them. Three of their children had special health needs.

Listen to this podcast with Ray and Charlene Notgrass as they discuss how homeschooling helped to give President Theodore Roosevelt to America.

Find more resources about the Roosevelts at Homeschool History:

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