Label Free: "To live your best life, live label free."

Revolutionizing Alcohol Use Disorder Treatment with Oar Health CEO Jonathan Hunt-Glassman

April 10, 2024 Deanna Marie Radulescu/Jonathan Hunt-Glassman
Revolutionizing Alcohol Use Disorder Treatment with Oar Health CEO Jonathan Hunt-Glassman
Label Free: "To live your best life, live label free."
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Label Free: "To live your best life, live label free."
Revolutionizing Alcohol Use Disorder Treatment with Oar Health CEO Jonathan Hunt-Glassman
Apr 10, 2024
Deanna Marie Radulescu/Jonathan Hunt-Glassman

In this episode of Label Free Podcast, host Deanna Radulescu interviews Jonathan Hunt-Glassman, the CEO of Oar Health, a healthcare entrepreneur revolutionizing the approach to alcohol use disorder treatment. Jonathan shares his personal journey of struggling with alcohol misuse and how it led him to create Oar Health, offering access to a daily pill to help individuals drink less.

Jonathan discusses the difference between being labeled an alcoholic and having alcohol use disorder, emphasizing the importance of not letting labels hinder positive change. He explains how Oar Health provides private, convenient access to medication for individuals looking to reduce their alcohol consumption. The platform offers various treatment options, including medication-assisted treatment and additional support services.

Jonathan shares a success story of a member who found liberation from alcohol through Oar Health's program, highlighting the transformative impact of taking small steps towards progress. He also addresses the common misconception that delving deep into root causes is necessary for addressing drinking problems, emphasizing the individualized nature of recovery paths.

Listeners are encouraged to visit Oar Health's website to learn more about their services and schedule a consultation. Jonathan's final words of wisdom emphasize that recovery from alcohol problems is possible at any stage and that positive changes can be made without waiting for a rock bottom moment.

To learn more about Oar Health and Jonathan's mission to expand treatment options for alcohol use disorder, visit and consider taking the first step towards a healthier relationship with alcohol. Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and review Label Free Podcast for more inspiring stories and dynamic guests.

Are you looking to take control of your vitality, health, and wellness? Look no further! I'm Deanna Radulescu, your host from Label Free Podcast, and I'm here to share an incredible online telehealth resource with you.

Introducing Valhalla Vitality, the premier telehealth concierge service that caters to all your health and wellness needs. Whether you're seeking guidance on sexual health, weight loss, peptides, or simply looking to boost your metabolism, Valhalla Vitality has got you covered.
I personally experienced the benefits of their telehealth services and was blown away by the results. Now, I'm excited to share an exclusive discount code with you. Use "Deanna15" to unlock a special offer when you sign up at link here:

With Valhalla Vitality, you'll have access to a team of expert telehealth doctors, supervisors, and consultants who will guide you every step of the way. Say goodbye to long waiting times and hello to personalized care from the comfort of your own home.
Ready to take charge of your health and wellness journey? Visit the link in the description below to sign up and schedule your appointment with Valhalla Vitality. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to transform your life.
Remember, it's time to prioritize your well-being. Choose Valhalla Vitality and experience the future of telehealth today.

As always thank you for the support, to contact me directly follow the link below:​ 

Stay Healthy, Stay Ready- 
Deanna Marie Radulescu 

Show Notes

In this episode of Label Free Podcast, host Deanna Radulescu interviews Jonathan Hunt-Glassman, the CEO of Oar Health, a healthcare entrepreneur revolutionizing the approach to alcohol use disorder treatment. Jonathan shares his personal journey of struggling with alcohol misuse and how it led him to create Oar Health, offering access to a daily pill to help individuals drink less.

Jonathan discusses the difference between being labeled an alcoholic and having alcohol use disorder, emphasizing the importance of not letting labels hinder positive change. He explains how Oar Health provides private, convenient access to medication for individuals looking to reduce their alcohol consumption. The platform offers various treatment options, including medication-assisted treatment and additional support services.

Jonathan shares a success story of a member who found liberation from alcohol through Oar Health's program, highlighting the transformative impact of taking small steps towards progress. He also addresses the common misconception that delving deep into root causes is necessary for addressing drinking problems, emphasizing the individualized nature of recovery paths.

Listeners are encouraged to visit Oar Health's website to learn more about their services and schedule a consultation. Jonathan's final words of wisdom emphasize that recovery from alcohol problems is possible at any stage and that positive changes can be made without waiting for a rock bottom moment.

To learn more about Oar Health and Jonathan's mission to expand treatment options for alcohol use disorder, visit and consider taking the first step towards a healthier relationship with alcohol. Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and review Label Free Podcast for more inspiring stories and dynamic guests.

Are you looking to take control of your vitality, health, and wellness? Look no further! I'm Deanna Radulescu, your host from Label Free Podcast, and I'm here to share an incredible online telehealth resource with you.

Introducing Valhalla Vitality, the premier telehealth concierge service that caters to all your health and wellness needs. Whether you're seeking guidance on sexual health, weight loss, peptides, or simply looking to boost your metabolism, Valhalla Vitality has got you covered.
I personally experienced the benefits of their telehealth services and was blown away by the results. Now, I'm excited to share an exclusive discount code with you. Use "Deanna15" to unlock a special offer when you sign up at link here:

With Valhalla Vitality, you'll have access to a team of expert telehealth doctors, supervisors, and consultants who will guide you every step of the way. Say goodbye to long waiting times and hello to personalized care from the comfort of your own home.
Ready to take charge of your health and wellness journey? Visit the link in the description below to sign up and schedule your appointment with Valhalla Vitality. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to transform your life.
Remember, it's time to prioritize your well-being. Choose Valhalla Vitality and experience the future of telehealth today.

As always thank you for the support, to contact me directly follow the link below:​ 

Stay Healthy, Stay Ready- 
Deanna Marie Radulescu